Lecture 1 Is there another way?

Lecture 1 Is there another way?

This lecture is an introduction to the course. It presents the main structure of the course and reveals the pedagogy behind the teaching in the Institute of Educational Leadership.

Before the lecture either print or save on your computer the related power point slides.

Assignment before the lecture:None.

Open or save the PowerPoint slidesrelated to this lecture EDLS210_S1_L1.pdf

Listen to the lecture, and afterwards do the assignment given below.

Assignment after the lecture:
Write your learning experiences into your personal Reflective report
Reflect especially theroles in teaching and learning. Write down your ideas about the role of the teacher and the role of the student in learning. How do you see the view on teaching and learning presented by professor Alava in the lecture?

How to write a reflective report.

Submit your reflective report on session 1here.

After completing the assignment you can proceed to session 2 lecture 1.