Lecture 2 Starting the house rules work

Lecture 2 Starting the house rules work

Lecture 2 launches the House Rules work, where the students are guided into analyzing and expressing how an individual contribution can shape the working environment. The view is geared towards considering whether an individual’s contribution makes a difference in the bigger picture (the macro level).

Before any lecture either open or save to your computer the assigned PowerPoint presentations.

Assignment before the lecture: Please read this article: Gold, Anne (1996). Women into Educational Management. European Journal of Education. Vol. 31, No. 4, Dec., 1996.
Available at http://www.jstor.org/stable/1503356?seq=9.

Answer the question: What point does Gold make? Reflect on it, replacing the topic ‘women’ by any other marginalized/not empowered set of people.

Open or save the PowerPoint slides related to this lecture HERE.

Listen to the lecture and after listening do the assignment below.

Write your learning experiences into your personal Reflective report

Assignment after the lecture: Please, comment on the lecturer’s view of an individual teacher’s power over the learners.

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