Lecture 2 Formal models

Lecture 2 Formal models

In Bush's (2007) research, he lists out 6 theories of educational leadership. In Lecture 2, Lecturer Värri introduces the formal models. The main features of the formal model are bureaucracy, hierarchy, division of labour, and so on. Listen to the advantages and disadvantags of formal model. Then the students discuss why there exists the bureaucracy at schools.

Before any lecture either open or save to your computer the assigned PowerPoint presentations.

Assignment before the lecture: none

Open or save the PowerPoint slides related to this lecture EDLS220_S4_L2.pdf

Listen to the lecture and after listening do the assignment below.

Write your learning experiences into your personal Reflective report

Assignment after the lecture:

What cause the bereaucracy at schools?

What are the impacts that the bereaucracy brings to school leadership work?

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