Joep Dominicus 2016

My Finnish adventure

Terve, minun nimi on Joep. Olen belgialainen. As you can see, I can speak Finnish perfectly, but just because I like to show off, I will do the rest in English ;) . During my last year studying to become a English and History teacher, I got the opportunity to do an internship in another country. I chose Finland and quickly found the Mutalan Koulu in Joensuu. I didn’t really know what to expect of the education, country or the people. Now that my time here is almost over, I can honestly say that it has been an amazing experience. I quickly fell in love with the country and the city, with its beautiful nature, language (which I studied for a couple of months before coming here) and calmness. The best part however were the people. Finns have the reputation of being somewhat closed and distant, but the people I’ve met here are some of the nicest, friendliest and most helpful I know. They made me feel very welcome from day one, showing interest in me, helping in whatever way they could and treating me like a real member of their team. The school and its education system are great as well. I have seen and witnessed so many amazing ideas about teaching that I will definitely take with me to Belgium. It’s clear to me now why Finland has perhaps the best education in the world. Because I didn’t just come to the school to teach my lessons but was also here to assist and observe during the remaining hours, I quickly got to know the pupils quite well. It’s been a real pleasure being their teacher and I hope they learned something from me, because I certainly learned something from them. I wish them nothing but the best and I know they have a lot of good things coming for them. I have no regrets whatsoever coming to Finland, Joensuu or Mutalan Koulu and if people considering coming here are reading this, don’t hesitate and choose this place. You will have a great time with great people (not to forget the other international students who you can hang out with) and if I could I would definitely stay longer. Lastly I just want to thank all the teachers, assistant teachers and international students for making this an adventure I will never forget, particularly my mentor Hanna-Kaisa for taking such good care of me. I will miss all of you and I will say goodbye instead of farewell, as I would love to come visit you again soon.



(You can learn more about me, my country of Belgium and my reasons for choosing Finland in my Powerpoint presentation) käyttää vain välttämättömiä evästeitä istunnon ylläpitämiseen ja anonyymiin tekniseen tilastointiin. ei koskaan käytä evästeitä markkinointiin tai kerää yksilöityjä tilastoja. Lisää tietoa evästeistä