Jakub Doležal 2015

Hi there!

My name is Jakub Doležal and I am a 24 years student of education from Czech Republic.

I come from the historical town called Znojmo which is located on the border with Austria. After high school I moved from my hometown to Pilsen to study there at the University of West Bohemia, to become a teacher. This is my last year of study and then I want to start a career in teaching. During this period, I coach a youth floorball team in Pilsen and in the first two years I was also a squash coach in Znojmo.

In 2011, I decided to participate in international program of AIESEC which was focused on children in orphanages in Kharkov, Ukraine.

A Year after I decided to visit Japan and explore two of the four islands of this country (Honshu, Kyushu). Also my best friend joined me and we had two wonderful months there.

I love sports, I ski & bike and I love floorball, squash, badminton and outdoor sports. Here in Finland I realized that I also like curling! In my free time I read the books and my favourite is Egyptian from Mika Waltari.

I am fascinated by old vehicles that’s why I decided to buy Trabant 601 S two years ago and few months later to buy Jawa 350 (both are from 80’s).

The reason I'm here is to develop myself as much as possible and meet new inspirational people - particularly inspiring teachers. ;-) I'm really interested in teaching and working with children - because they are so motivated, positive and creative.

I work in all classes, especially in physical education. My teacher is Olavi, who also cares about my visits to other schools.

My traineeship ends at 8th of May.

Kiitos, opettajat! Díky moc!


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