Good morning! Let's get cracking!

Today's programme: 

Äidinkieli 5
Harjoitellaan harjoituskirjasta lauseenjäseniä, eli tehdään tehtävät sivulta 86-87. Muistathan tulla Teamsiin tänään klo 9.00. Käyn siellä tänään teidän kanssa matematiikan juttuja läpi ja jos tarvetta on, niin voimme myös katsoa näitä äikän juttuja siinä yhdessä!

Äidinkieli 6
Teemme tänään kuullun ymmärtämisen testin (Liite 9). Ota liite valmiiksi esille ja tule Teamsiin klo 9.55. Yritetään startata tunti kello 10.00. Samalla voidaan katsella vähän matematiikan juttuja!

History 5-6: 
Today we will study more in-depth the early phases of American history. Here is a huge package containing information on Native American people (commonly named as Indians). 
Native Americans ex. 1-8.pdf
Your task is to choose one from these 8 themes and answer the questions for that "working station"
1. The First Americans (p. 1-2)
2. Christopher Columbus's Mistake (p. 3-4)
3. The Plains Indians (p. 5-6) 
4. Family Life (p. 7-8)
5. Rituals and Customs (p. 9-10)
6. Marriage and Divorce (p. 11-12) 
7. Warfare (p. 13-14) 
8. The Battle of the Little Bighorn, 1876 (p.15-16) 

Env. Studies 5-6: 
We will carry on studying the Africa chapter. So please do the exercises that you have on pages 112-115 in your work book.

Here are the English translations for pages 112-115

1. a) Name the equator and tropics
b) we've already done this, no need to do it again
2. Adaptation to desert conditions
a) How have the small creatures of the desert adapted to desert conditions?
b) How have the people of the desert adapted to desert conditions?
3. Name the trees of Savannah
4. The pictures depict the problems of the agriculture in Savannah. Write the explanations.
5. Mark true (oikein) or false (väärin)
a) It's very hot and humid in the rainforest
b) Rainforest is a very sunny place for growth
c) Almost nothing grows at the bottom of the rainforest.
d) The birds live on the top floor of the rainforest.
e) In the rainforests, people’s lives are concentrated along rivers.
6. Correct the false statements of the previous task.
7. Name these useful plants.

Maths 5th
Units greater than a metre. Meet me in Teams at 9.00. We can have a little chat and I'll show you how to calculate these exercises!

Maths 6th
Let's check some things out together after the Finnish listening comprehension. So I'll meet you in Teams starting at 10.00. 

English 6th
Thank you for your Irish presentations! The ones I saw, were great. I hope the rest of you will return them to me ASAP!
Today we will venture forward on our journey towards understanding the adverbs. We will begin our lesson by listening to The Global Music Awards Extra (filename is 13 Extra Teen talent 6’52) from Sanomapro. Answer to these questions while you listen: 
1. a) Who is the 1st performer? b) What's her talent? 
2. Who is the 2nd performer? b) What's his talent? 
3. Who are the 3rd performers? c) What did they do?

After you have answered these, do page 154 in your writer! :)