Monday - April 20th

Hello, hello!

Good morning boys and girls! 

Your teacher got out from the hospital and my plan is to get back to teaching as soon as I can. 
Simo has promised to bring me my loyal document camera and laptop, so I can start to broadcast and do distance teaching from my house
(Villa George's Street), since I can't drive and thus get to school. Hopefully I'll have the "com center" up and running today...
... if I do, I'll let you know. My plan is that we would begin our school day by having a Teams meeting every morning, but I'll get back to that later, when I'll get the equipment delivered here. 

I want to thank you all for the messages that you sent me, whilst I was in the hospital! =) 

Today's programme: 

Handout party!
I hope that you all received the handouts that I mailed you. Today we will begin to work with them. 

5th graders:
1. Please do the math exam 7 and return it to the box below.
2. In addition, start to revise for the Finnish exam, so do couple of revision exercises pages! 

6th graders: 
1. Please do the maths formative exam. (It's the one with the triangle that is upside down).
2. In addition, start to revise for the Finnish exam, so do couple of revision exercises from the handouts!

That's all for today. We will have a theme day this Thursday. It's about positive pedagogy, and we're trying to ease your school work burden, by letting you do something uplifting and nice!




5th grade maths EXAM 7

Remember to send all the pages if you're sending pictures!
Muista lähettää jokainen sivu erikseen, jos lähetät vastaukset kuvina!
  • Palauta kuva tai muu tiedosto
  • Palauta merkintä
  • Palauta linkki

Sinulla ei ole tarvittavia oikeuksia lähettää mitään.