Tuesday - April 21st

Have a nice Tuesday everyone!

Good morning boys and girls! I hope you're all doing well!

Aija brought me the gear yesterday, and my com center is up and running, so we will carry on with the Teams meetings from tomorrow onwards! 5th graders, you will have a meeting with me tomorrow at 9.00 and 6th graders will do a Finnish listening comprehension with me at 10.00 (please come to Teams already at 9.55). 

Today's programme: 

Religion 5-6: 
The Bible and pictures
Let's begin this morning by a sermon. First, watch this video.
Your book explains the usage of pictures and art in different religions, but specifically in Christian church (p. 80-83). Read through the text and answer these questions: 
1. How do different religions react on making images? Miten eri uskonnot suhtautuvat kuvien tekemiseen?
2. Why were the pictures painted in churches called "The poor man's Bible"? Miksi kirkkoihin maalattuja kuvia kutsuttiin "Köyhien Raamatuksi"?
3. Draw these Christian symbols: Ichthys and Chi Rho. Piirrä nämä kristilliset symbolit: iktys ja Kristus-monogrammi. 

English 5-6: 
Today, exactly 511 years ago, an English king, called Henry VII died and he was succeeded by his son Henry VIII, who is one of the most famous monarch of all time. One of the things that made him especially famous is the fact that he had six wives who, well... didn't end up so well. 

First, I want you to listen to this song. The quality isn't the greatest, but you'll get the idea! 
Second, answer these questions:

  1. Henry VIII was the king of England from 1509 to _____?
  2. Who were the six wives of Henry VIII?
  3. What happened to them?
  4. When Henry VIII died, he weighted almost 400 pounds and his chest was 53 inches wide. Find out how much is his weight in kilograms and how wide his chest was in centimeters. 
You can reply to the return box below! :)

Env. Studies 5-6: 
First, remember to check the previous work from the subfolder Correct Answers. Today we will begin to work on chapter 34 - Africa (p. 170-176). Write down these notes to your notebook. 34 Africa.pdf 
Read through the chapter and do the handout called LIITE 34 in your handout pile (I will attach it here just in case) 
YMP LIITE 34 Afrikka.pdf
The translation for the questions: 
1. Colour the vegetation area on the map.
2. The climate and weather of the area:
3. Habitation in the area:
4. The vegetation of the area:
5. Animals of the area:

History 5-6: 
Today we will begin to study a very interesting part of history - the colonial history of the United States. 
First, hereNorth American Colonies.pdf are the notes from the chapter 31 (p. 150-152). 
Read the pages and answer these questions: 
1. Why were people attracted to move to North America? Mikä houkutteli ihmisiä muuttamaan Pohjois-Amerikkaan? 
2. How did England profit from the colonies? Kuinka Englanti hyötyi siirtokunnista? 
3. a) How many colonies were there originally? Kuinka monta siirtokuntaa oli alunperin? 
b) What is the connection between the original colonies and the flag of the United States?
Mikä yhdistää alkuperäisiä siirtokuntia ja USA:n lippua? 

Music 5-6:
In the weekend there was a massive concert to support WHO (World Health Organization) in a fight against the Corona-virus. If you missed the concert, you can still watch it (or parts of it) in Yle Areena. Here's the link. Enjoy!

English 5-6: Henry VIII answers

Leave your answers here!
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