Tuesday April 14th

Hope you all had a relaxing Easter!

I will put Yippee 6 books for fifth graders to pick up from the school yard either tomorrow or Thursday! You can pick them up between 9 am and 1pm. Eli vitosluokkalaisille laitan huomenna keskiviikkona ja torstaina Yippee 6 -kirjat ulkokatokseen. Niitä voi käydä hakemassa klo 9.00 ja 13.00 välillä.

Today's topics:

We're going back a bit, because we received greetings from Nonna, so please check it out.

English 5-6:
We will go through the handout that I gave you. I will explain a bit about past participle and the future tense. So please join me on Teams at 9.15!

History 5-6:
VALISTUS History.pdf
First, write down the notes from the file above. Then read chapter 30, p. 146-148 and answer to these questions:
1. What was the goal of enlightment thinkers?
2. From what does the word enlightment derive from?

Env. Studies 5-6:
Today's topic is a about immigration and its many reasons. Please write down the notes Ymp 33 - maahanmuuton syita.pdfto your notebook and read through chapter 33 from your books, p.166-169. Think about exercise 2 on page 169. 
2 Think, that you would have to escape from your home.
a) What would be the reason to escape?
b) Which family members would go with you?
c) Where would you go?
d) What could you take with you?
e) What difficulties might you encounter during the trip?
f) How would you wish that people greeted you, when you arrive?

Music 5-6:
Today's history lesson works perfectly as a preface to today's music. Your task is to go to youtube and listen to a short musical piece from Mozart, Haydn and J.S.Bach.

Here are couple of suggestions for the music of the time of Enlightenment
Enjoy! =)