Tuesday - April 7th

Happy Tuesday everyone!

I hope everybody's feeling great! 

IMPORTANT: I will make you a handout pile, which you can come and fetch from our school yard (the side building where dumpsters are) this Thursday between 9.00 and 13.00! In this pile, you will also have some upcoming exam papers!
TÄRKEÄÄ: Tulen tekemään teille monistepinon, jonka voit käydä noutamassa tämän viikon torstaina koulun ulkokatoksesta (missä mm. roskikset on) klo 9.00 ja 13.00 välillä. Tässä monistepinossa tulee olemaan myös joitakin tulevia kokeita!

Religion 5-6:

We are starting the most important and the oldest Christian celebration, because of the upcoming Easter. Remind yourself why we Lutherans celebrate Easter by checking this video:

English 5-6: 

6th graders, let's meet on Teams at 10.00!

Today I have a worksheet for you. There are 40 questions, but you only need to choose the correct one from the choices. We will go through this worksheet together next Tuesday on Teams starting at 9.15! There are couple of questions, which we haven't covered yet, but I will go through them with you, in case you have a problem with them. As a matter of a fact my previous sentence gave you an example of how to use the will (=futuurin apuverbi) verb and how to form a present perfect (perfekti) tense in English. 
So give the task a shot and I'll explain it in detail next Tuesday!
Eng5-6-Multiple choice.pdf

Env. studies 5-6: 
First of all, remember to check the right answers to exercises on pages 101-104 from the subpage!
Today we'll start chapter 32. Natural disasters are difficult to foresee. 
Your task is to write these notes YmpChapter32.pdfto your notebook and read pages 162-165, where there are more information on natural disasters like floods, hurricanes, earthquakes, tidal waves, and volcanic eruptions

History 5-6:
First, remember that you have until 4pm to return last week's history exercises!
Here is the link for the return box and the instructions if you haven't submitted your answers yet!

Today we will begin a new unit where we will learn more about the time of revolutions. To truly comprehend what led to revolting, we need to understand a bit of the philosophy, or the way people viewed the world in the 18th century. So today's task is simple: 
Read the first chapter about the Age of Enlightenment. Here you have the Finnish version, please read the first three chapters: Valistus, Valistuksen vuosisata ja Tausta. Tomorrow we will do notes about the Enlightenment and you'll get to write a little profile. 

Music 5-6: 
Be creative and have fun with this online composing tool!


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