Project Meeting in Ivalo, April 2007

Hosting guests

I had two guests during the Comenius week in Ivalo. Italian Valerio arrived on Sunday and after seeing the film Ghost Rider on Monday, I and Valerio picked Spanish Marcos up from the airport. Unluckily, Marcos' luggage didn't arrive until Wednesday. I had a whale of time with the Latino boys. We were in the sleigh hill, talked about the cultures and played Finnish card games. The time with them for the host family was a little busier, but the week was very fine and fantastic. We also hung with the other guests as we met them. As Valerio had left Finland, I took Marcos to ski and to forest. The last night he taught me some Spanish. The connections between us have not stopped, because we have each other's messenger addresses. It is always very interesting and great time to have foreign guests. Try, it's a cool way to see the world.

Pauli Orava May 10th 2007

Monday afternoon 16th April

On Monday afternoon we all went to the home economics class in comprehensive school upper level. We cooked white fish and potatoes, we made salad and as a dessert there was oven cheese with cloudberries.
We formed five groups and each one of those had their own tasks. One group fried the fishes, one group boiled the potatoes, one made the salad, one made the dessert and one laid the tables.
All the visitors had a chance to taste Finnish food. It was surprising that most of the guests hadn’t ever cooked before. It looked fun when the Polish boys realized that they had to touch the raw fish with their own bare hands. It was a shame that we didn’t have a chance to take a picture of their faces. And one of the boys thought the oven cheese was pizza. :D
All went well and we definitely had fun.

After cooking we all went to the cinema to watch a movie called Ghost rider. It was a good movie and the visitors liked it, too. The thing that we have such a small cinema was an experience in itself.

Wednesday 2nd May 2007 Anna and Rauna

Some great info

Thursday 19 April was an active day for the Comenius group.
The day started with an intensive making of a holy recipe book blessed with magical spells and enchantments so mighty that our pityful galaxy was ripped apart. Well this never happened but it could have. No one knows. Whatever, I never personally liked cooking anyway.

After that quite lame operation, we embarked on an epic and heroic quest towards the almighty Saariselkä fell. After intensive monster killing and… tobogganing, we earned many experience points and then we went to look the stores and um… yarr… Well, some of our group also leveled up, which was a great event but which actually didn’t happen. No one cares about experience points anyway, it’s the inner fire that counts or something. What ever.

And after that we had a great feast with lots of dancing and singing and dancing and music and… yes… Lots of interesting things which no one could care less. There was also lots of crying and emotional activity, because our mighty fellow-warriors were departing soon. Then we said our goodbyes and left with our hearts full of joy.

-Warrior of Light with assistance of Knightrider of Doom and Santa Claus.

May 10th 2007

Students' program

Monday 16 April 8.30 am Guests arrive at school, Comenius teachers and students have a meeting together in the gym hall of the school, a tour around the school in small groups 10.35 am Attending lessons 11.20 am Lunch at school 11.45 A visit in junior highschool, a walking tour in the village; church, library, statues, café, souvenier shops 3.00 pm Cookery class, Finnish menu; fried white fish and boiled potatoes, ryed bread, Lappish oven cheese and cloudberries Evening eg. at home

Tuesday 17 April 8.45 am At school, arts workshop: making tree-elves in arts lessons, making paper 11.20 am Lunch at school 11.45 am Meeting together with the whole school in the gym hall, short introductions of the other Comenius schools, music 12.30 pm Ice-fishing on the river Ivalo near school 2.00 pm Music workshop 7.00 pm Playing ”sähly”, floorball, in the school gym hall

Wednesday 18 April 8.30 am Leaving Ivalo for Inari by bus, Sámi museum Siida at 9.30, a guided tour in the museum, lunch in Inari junior highschool 11.30, reindeer farm Paadar 12.30, open fire coffees in the ”laavu”, a Lappish teepee, souvenier shops, return to Ivalo at about 4.00 pm. 7.00 pm Movie evening at school

Thursday 19 April 8.00 am At school,workshop; traditional national recipes 10.35 the results of the workshops, videofilm and a yoik performance 11.00 am Lunch at school 11.30 am Saariselkä afternoon: swimming, tobogganing. If the weather is bad we will organize something else. 6.00 pm The last night with all the students in Stönö, the youth house in Ivalo, making pizza, disco, ”sima & munkit” mead and doughnuts 7.25 pm The Turkish team leaves

Friday 20 April 8.45 am At school 11.20 am Lunch at school 1.35 pm The Czech, German and Polish teams leave 6.00 pm Radio Inari, interviews by Janne and Pauli, bring your own favourite music with you.

Saturday 21 April 9.40 am The Italian team leaves Students spend the day with their host families.

Sunday 22 April 1.35 pm Floriana and the Spanish team leave

Tuesday's music workshop

Tuesday’s music work shop

When we came back from Jänkkävaara, we went to our music class and there we had a little workshop.
First, Riina and I told a bit about Finnish and Sámi folk song traditions. Then we taught to our guests how to play kantele. It wasn’t so hard as they thought first, and I can say that it sounded even good!
Then, we sang a couple of Finnish folk songs – in Finnish of course – and first we had to teach how to say the words as we do in Finland. After all, we sang all together and it was just so fun. And of course we sounded like pop idols and so on.
And we had a great time!

Niina Aikio, 10 May 2007

Weekend spiced with music

Before the Comenius meeting we had a one-weekend music course at school. The guests from Poland and Czech Republic had arrived on Saturday evening so three of the guests, Markéta and Pavlina from the Czech Republic and Seweryn from Poland, joined our course on Sunday.
On Saturday morning before we started the lessons, we got relaxed by massaging each other’s necks. Then we started to play. On Saturday we had practised songs called ”Tequila”, ”Don’t Worry, Be Happy” and ”Rakovalkealla”. So, the best-known songs, ”Tequila” and ”Don’t Worry, Be Happy” were also taught to our guests and they managed to play with us.
Our guests got a bit bored, so when we had the first pause, they took a walk around our school. We all were tired at the end of the lesson, but still we went on by playing and singing the songs, which were supposed to be performed to all of the Comenius guests in the welcoming ceremony. And it was a great success even though we somehow managed to mess it up.. TEQUILA!!! =) Thanks to all of our guests!

Riina Akujärvi 10 May 2007 käyttää vain välttämättömiä evästeitä istunnon ylläpitämiseen ja anonyymiin tekniseen tilastointiin. ei koskaan käytä evästeitä markkinointiin tai kerää yksilöityjä tilastoja. Lisää tietoa evästeistä