
Today we had interviewed the teachers of the Self-respect workshop.

What is your name?
-Christoph Martino .

what do you do in this workshop?
-The theme is self/respect,the students are working with this theme.

what did you do yesterday in the workshop?
-We tried to find out who "I" am .

have you had any problems?

how committed are people in this workshop?
everyone in the group has good feeling and everyone has ideas and they don't need even teachers.

What is your name?
-Lasse Alinen

what do you do in this workshop?
-we are trying to find out what is the meaning of self-respect.

what did you do yesterday in the workshop?
-we were talking about it and and trying to get ideas how to express self-confidence .

have you had any problems?
-No, Students have been fantastic.

how committed are people in this workshop?
-they are very committed.

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