A few questions about the trip...

At first, what do you think about this school? Is it similar to your school?
The building is entirely different but the main concept is the same. The equipment and interior are a bit similar but the surroundings are different because of the plants.

Could you tell us a few words about your workshop?
‘A trip into the unknown’ – is a trip into three periods of time – ancient times, medieval times & modern period. We study the chances of boys and girls, and study school environment.

Why history is so important in school?
It teaches us about heritage – culture, architecture, pass events which influenced a particular country.

How do you speak with multicultural students? Is it difficult or easy to you?
It’s easy – the group is amazing and present high level of English, so it’s a pleasure.

What do you think about Comenius project?
It’s a marvellous occasion to meet people, do projects, participate & lead workshops, practise a foreign language, socialise and study different education systems, methods and tools.

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