13.5 How to combat climate change?

As inhabitants of planet Earth, it is our collective duty to slow down climate change. We can all contribute to this goal by choosing more climate-friendly lifestyles and by making sustainable choices.

Reducing greenhouse gas emissions is the most effective way to control climate change. Greenhouse gas emissions can be reduced by reducing consumption, using renewable sources of energy, increasing the amount of carbon sink forests and by developing environmentally sustainable technologies.

Decreasing the amount of energy required by industry, traffic, housing and food production is an important way of slowing down climate change. These goals can be achieved by a combination of more efficient technologies and more environmentally sustainable living habits. 

Renewable energy sources, such as wind power, help to slow down climate change.

Stopping climate change
is impossible, as many human-produced greenhouse gases remain in the atmosphere for a long time after they are emitted. However, climate change can be slowed down with global cooperation. However, as climate change can neverbe stopped completely, it is also necessary for us to adapt to changing scenarios.

Regular people can help to combat climate change in a variety of ways.

The effects of climate change have been visible for a relatively long time, but concentrated efforts to reduce global emissions have only began in the 21st century. Different international agreements are the most powerful way to decrease greenhouse gas emissions and slow down global warming.

Using public transportation is more energy-efficient than driving a car.