5.6 North America


The surface area of the North American continent is over 25 million square kilometers. It is home to over 515 million people. It is the third largest continent in terms of its surface area, and the fourth largest in terms of its population. The continent of North America consists of 43 nations, when including the island states of the West Indies.

Before the arrival of European colonists during the 16th century, the continent was largely inhabited by a large Native American population. This population was divided into over 300 tribes, which differed from each other in terms of their languages and cultures. The majority of the Native American population vanished as a result of European settlement.

The most significant nation of the North American continent is undoubtedly the United States of America, which is arguably the most influential global power in political, military and economic terms. Its gross domestic product is the largest on the planet. It has been estimated that the United States alone uses up approximately 25 percent of the planet's natural resources.

The border between the North and South American continents has been set on the border between the nations of Panama and Columbia. Therefore, Central America and its archipelago are considered to be part of the North American continent.