Full schedule & presentations
Tuesday, 12 November 2024
Opening of the Conferece at 9:00
Jari Ojala
Rector, University of Jyväskylä
Elina Pylkkänen
Under-Secretary of State, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment
Jaana Kettunen
IAEVG President
Keynote session 1 at 10:00
Career Guidance – At the intersectionMoreno_da_Fonseca_Keynote_IAEVG 2024.pdf
Coffee break/Poster session 1 at 11:00–11:45
Main theme: Career development and career education
Poster nro |
Title |
01 |
Building new quality of career development curriculum in Czech school education |
02 | Guidance, student wellbeing and social justice in the development of VETO-degree Tarja Juurakko-Koskinen, Tampere University & Tampere University of Applied Sciences, Finland Juurakko-Koskinen.pdf |
03 |
Influence of students' rationale behind choosing a major on their willingness to learn after enrollment |
04 |
LMI4Dis_Abled - Enhancing opportunities for Persons with Disabilities (PWDs) in the open labour market |
05 |
Local school-to-work transition service (SLTET) in Castelldefels: local networking for educational guidance projects |
06 | "OrientaUnito" project. Educational guidance pathways through rap music and photovoice methodology: a thematic analysis Teodora Lattanzi, University of Turin, Italy Lattanzi.pdf |
07 |
Profiles of school burnout and engagement among French high school students: links with orientation choices |
08 |
Ten years of the Career Education Division of the Hungarian Pedagogical Society (HPS) (2014-2024): Civil curiosity and professional autonomy |
09 | Differences in planned happenstance and career adaptability: Cluster analysis of career engagement and career stress Pingping Cao & Eunhye Jang, Chonnam National University, South Korea Pingping & Jang.pdf |
10 |
The relationship between career preparation behavior and happiness of adolescents: moderating effect of creative personality |
11 | Training path, influences and facilitators in the career construction of VET students Robert G. Valls-Figuera, University of Barcelona, Spain; Mercedes Torrado-Fonseca, University of Barcelona, Spain; Soledad Romero-Rodríguez, University of Sevilla, Spain Valls_Torrado_Romero_.pdf |
12 | What do you want to be when you grow up? Are we asking children the wrong question? Aisling Murray Fleming, Dublin City University, Irland |
13 | ‘Whole School Approach’ from the Perspective of Subject Teachers in Finnish General Upper Secondary Schools Kirsi Raetsaari, University of Oulu, Finland |
14 |
Proposal for a national competency framework for career professionals in Finland |
15 |
Objectives and contents in the Finnish career guidance professionals’ training programs |
Parallel session 1 at 11:45–13:15
Paper session 1.1 - Career guidance in specific context
Session room: Felix Setting Career Information in Context – Career Guidance Counsellors' performing 'non-traditional' career guidance Spatialising career development and career guidance |
Paper session 1.2 - Measurement and outcomes
Session room: Elsi Career Decision Ambiguity Tolerance – Preliminary verification of the concept and the Polish version of the measurement method Development and validation of the Career Counseling Outcome Questionnaire (CCOQ) |
Paper session 1.3 - Career development and social responsibility
Session room: Anton CANCELLED: Fostering innovative career thinking with parents and students in South Asia André Borges, University of Lausanne & LIVES Centre, Switzerland Borges.pdf |
Workshop 1.1
Session room: Encore Promoting professionalism in lifelong guidance – joint development process of a national competency framework for career professionals in Finland Raimo Vuorinen, FIER University of Jyväskylä, Finland; Helena Kasurinen; Jaana Kettunen, FIER University of Jyväskylä, Finland Vuorinen, Kasurinen, Kettunen.pdf |
Workshop 1.2
Session room: Vasikkavuori & Kanavuori (Alexandra) Using digital technologies and creative approaches in career guidance counselling |
Workshop 1.3
Session room: Keljo (Alexandra) |
Workshop 1.4
Session room: Kortepohja (Alexandra) Using Hope to measure the impact of career guidance services Paige McDonoug, Kuder Inc., USA McDonough.pdf |
Workshop 1.5
Workshop 1.6
Session room: Alvar |
Lunch at 13:15
Parallel session 2 at 14:15–15:45
Session room: Elsi Immigrant-Led, User-Centered Guidance Services: A Case Study of Brazilian Immigrants in Japan The association between perceived discrimination and educational expectations among Canadian youth Transformative agency and diversity promoting as part of a collective career project for young immigrant women |
Paper session 2.2 - Career guidance in specific contexts
Session room: Anton Career-related learning of non-European full-time master's graduates in Germany, Italy, and the United Kingdom Erik Zeltner, Tilburg University, The Netherlands Zeltner.pdf Guidance needs in the international student lifecycle: a framework for development from the ENIS network Personal Storytelling and Cruel Optimism in Finnish Universities’ International Student Marketing |
Paper session 2.3 - Professional development for practitioners
Session room: Felix L’alliance de supervision et l’autocompassion : une voie vers le développement de la conscience réflexive de soi des personnes conseillères en formation Training placement as a site for identity-related professional learning in guidance counsellor education |
Paper session 2.4 - Ethical and cultural considerations in career guidance
Session room: Alvar Culturally appropriate career counselling model trialled in Finland and Ireland High school diploma or baby?: Justifiable paternalism based on the capability approach |
Workshop 2.1
Session room: Encore |
Workshop 2.2
Session room: Keljo (Alexandra) Same, same but different – the advantages of collaborative guidance and counselling Elke Scheffelt, Wegweiser Bildung Freiburg, Germany Scheffelt.pdf |
Workshop 2.3
Session room: Vasikkavuori & Kanavuori (Alexandra) |
Workshop 2.4
Session room: Kortepohja (Alexandra) |
Symposium 2.1
Session room: Taulumäki (Alexandra) Paper: Engaging and supporting conflict-zone practitioners |
Coffee break at 15:45
Parallel session 3 at 16:30-17:45
Paper session 3.1 - Career guidance in education
Session room: Elsi Improving and managing career guidance: Providing individual support for secondary schools Career counseling: An important factor in guiding youth toward determining their future studies and professions |
Paper session 3.2 - Quality assurance and supervision
Session room: Vasikkavuori & Kanavuori (Alexandra) Concetta Fonzo, National Institute for the Analysis of Public Policies (INAPP), Italy; Laura Evangelista, National Institute for the Analysis of Public Policies (INAPP), Italy; Iannis Giulio, Centro Studi Pluriversum, Italy Supervisory alliance in group career counseling supervision: exploration of the role of supervisory interventions Audrey Lachance, Université de Sherbrooke, Canada |
Paper session 3.3 - Interdisciplinary Approaches
Session room: Anton Dave Redekopp, Life-Role Development Group Ltd., Canada Redekopp.pdf |
Workshop 3.1
Session room: Kortepohja (Alexandra) |
Workshop 3.2
Session room: Encore Systems change through career guidance intervention: Results of a randomized controlled trial Sareena Hopkins, Canadian Career Development Foundation, Canada Hopkins.pdf |
Workshop 3.3
Session room: Keljo (Alexandra) |
Workshop 3.4
Session room: Taulumäki (Alexandra) Innovative E-guidance practices in career guidance Robbin Bosch, CINOP, The Netherlands & Thea van den Boom, CareersNet Representative, The Netherlands Bosch_van_den_Boom.pdf |
Workshop 3.5
Session room: Felix Generational Resilience and Community Empowerment: A Paradigm Shift in Career Exploration with Indigenous Clients/Students Mary Ellen Earnhardt, Montana Career Lab, USA Earnhardt.pdf |
Symposium 3.1
Session room: Alvar |
Conference banquet at 19:00-22:45
The dinner will begin at 19:00. Guests are kindly requested to arrive a bit earlier (from 18:30 onwards) to join the welcome toast. The evening will feature a three-course dinner and wonderful live music performances by singer-songwriter and pop kantele diva Ida Elina.
Wednesday 13 November
Plenary session 1 at 9:00 –9:30
Session room: Encore
The work of the international agencies on career guidance
Anthony Mann, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
Pedro Moreno da Fonseca, The International Labour Organisation (ILO)
Cynthia Harrison Villalba, European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (CEDEFOP)
Florian Kadletz, European Training Foundation (ETF)
Ramon Iriarte, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
Parallel session 4 at 9:45–11:15
Paper session 4.1 - Application of technology in career guidance
Session room: Encore How to human: AI - human dynamics in the career guidance relationship |
Paper session 4.2 - Community and group approaches in guidance
Session room: Felix Rudolf Schröder & Anna-Lena Müller, Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg, Germany CANCELLED: “We are everywhere”: Specific practices developed within community-based organizations. Some lessons for guidance practices? Manon Chamberland The single-structure public education model in Catalonia: career education and social justice Marc Martínez-Pons, Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB), Spain |
Paper session 4.3 - Enhancing career guidance
Session room: Anton Co-operation of NGO and academic sector on the qualification programme for career counsellors in Czechia Concetta Fonzo, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC), Spain Global Insights: High-Quality Career Guidance for All Ages Justin Kerr, Department for the Economy, Northern Ireland & Deirdre Hughes, University of Warwick, England |
Workshop 4.1
Session room: Alvar |
Workshop 4.2
Session room: Keljo (Alexandra) |
Workshop 4.3
Session room: Paviljonki 2 (Sokos Hotel Paviljonki, conference room 2) |
Workshop 4.4
Session room: Kortepohja (Alexandra) |
Symposium 4.1
Session room: Elsi |
Coffee break / Poster session 2 at 11:15–12:00
Main theme: Career support, strategies, and inclusion
Poster nro |
Title |
16 |
A Method of supporting Japanese university students in continuing their job-hunting by combining monitoring of job-hunting maintenance and values clarification |
17 |
Career strategies for students in crisis: SCCT-based support for Myanmar students in Japanese universities |
18 |
Design thinking as a wave of change |
19 | Feminization of leadership? – An interest in digital leadership depending on gender Anke Reuter, University of Applied Labour Studies, Germany Reuter.pdf |
20 |
Guidance counseling in an age of uncertainty: the need for an integrated, cross-curricular approach |
21 |
Guidance counselling in Direct Provision |
22 |
Guidance for SEN Students in upper secondary school: new perspectives with the PNRR reform |
23 |
Include³ - pathways towards inclusion: counselling and training for the transition from sheltered workshops to the general labour market. European findings from inclusive focus group interviews |
24 | Positive psychosocial resources of people with disabilities when facing challenges in work: career adaptability and resilience Drosos Nikos, European University Cyprus, Cyprus & Charokopaki Argiro, University of West Attica, Greece Drosos.pdf |
25 | SkillsPULSE - Skills – Predicting, Understanding, and Locating Shortages in Europe Hanna Pullinen & Jaana Kettunen, FIER University of Jyväskylä, Finland |
26 | Supporting guidance services for vulnerable groups through continuous training opportunities Ramona Bacelj & Milena Mirić, Foundation Tempus - Euroguidance centre in Serbia, Serbia |
27 |
Tandem Internship Model: fostering cultural integration and professional growth |
28 | Developing methodology for measuring quality and progress of outreach in the framework of the Youth Guarantee in the Western Balkan countries Amina Isanović Hadžiomerović, Ana Frichand, Biljana Blazhevska Stoilkovska, Ljiljan Veselinović, Florian Kadletz & Jaana Kettunen Hadžiomerović et al.pdf |
29 | You are not alone. What can social and public employment services do to improve employment access for care leavers. Gianvincenzo Nicodemo, Pegaso Telematic University, Italy |
30 | Aligning the aspirations and skills of Qatar’s youth with the needs of the Qatari economy Saad Al-Kharji & Fouad El Rassi, Qatar Career Development Center, Qatar |
Keynote session 2 at 12:00
Session room: Encore
Using Hope-Action Theory to Foster Authentic Living: Strengthening Insight, Courage, and Endurance
Spencer Niles, College of William & Mary, USA
Family photo/ Lunch at 12:45
Parallel session 5 at 13:45–15:15
Paper session 5.1 - Career development in higher education
Session room: Paviljonki 2 (Sokos Hotel Paviljonki, conference room 2) Student life: design and implementation of an integrated approach to career guidance The early career construction for higher education graduates with scholarships from a Brazilian university |
Paper session 5.2 - Inclusion
Session room: Felix Possible challenges in educational and vocational guidance in schools for students with a migration background |
Paper session 5.3 - Career development in changing work context
Session room: Paviljonki 1 (Sokos Hotel Paviljonki, conference room 1) Protean and boundaryless attitudes in the contemporary work context Understanding how involuntary career change shapes the centrality of work in people's lives |
Paper session 5.4 – System Features and Practice
Session room: Encore Developing a holistic system of lifelong guidance: Perspectives from career experts Examining the impact of a STEM intervention from a Social Cognitive Career Theory perspective |
Workshop 5.1
Session room: Keljo (Alexandra) |
Workshop 5.2
Session room: Kortepohja (Alexandra) Careers back in line? Alignment of individual and collective interests Jan Woldendorp, Saxion University of Applied Sciences, the Netherlands Woldendorp.pdf |
Workshop 5.3
Session room: Elsi |
Symposium 5.1 (continues in Symposium 6.1)
Session room: Anton Discussants : Brien Alexandre, Université du Québec à Montréal Canada & Orly-Louis Isabelle, Université Paris Nanterre, France. |
Symposium 5.2
Session room: Alvar Yuko Ryan, Shizuoka University, Japan; Ishimine Chizuru, Aichi University of Education, Japan; Tateishi Shinji, University of Tsukuba, Japan; Kyomen Tetsuo, University of Tsukuba, Japan; Ashizawa Yuzuka, Tokiwa University, Japan |
Coffee break 15:15
Parallel session 6 at 16:00–17:30
Paper session 6.1 - Ethical and professional roles
Session room: Felix Career counsellors work with parents of students in risky educational transitionsÅsa Sundelin & Anneli Öljarstrand, Stockholm University, Sweden Sundelin & Öljarstrand.pdf Guidance counsellor students' conceptions of digital guidance and counselling Kati Mäenpää, Pirjo-Liisa Lehtelä & Tiina Laajala, Oulu University of Applied Sciences, Finland Guidance counsellor's professional role in conversations with adolescents Liisa Voutilainen & Sanna Vehviläinen, University of Eastern Finland, Finland |
Paper session 6.2 - Sustainability
Session room: Paviljonki 2 (Sokos Hotel Paviljonki, conference room 2) Exploring green guidance: Results of a survey of European practitioners' perceptions of green guidance Vesa Parkkonen, Päivi Pukkila & Keijo Hakala, HAMK University of Applied Sciences, Finland Parkkonen et al..pdf |
Paper session 6.3 - Reflective tools and approaches in guidance
Session room: Elsi Responding to changing times: Developing alternative career assessment modalities to analyse systems of influences Jean-Jacques Ruppert, University of Applied Labour Studies, Germany Ruppert.pdf |
Workshop 6.1
Session room: Kortepohja (Alexandra) |
Workshop 6.2
Session room: Keljo (Alexandra) The IEP quality improvement framework – A new evidence-based quality improvement framework for employability and careers guidance Scott Parkin, Institute of Employability Professionals (IEP), United Kingdom; David Imber, Institute of Employability Professionals (IEP), United Kingdom & Annette Jönnervik Holmblad, Institute of Employability Professionals Sweden, Sweden |
Workshop 6.3
Session room: Alvar Identification of Skills for working-age people within guidance Jenni Larjomaa, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, Finland |
Symposium 6.1 (continues from Symposium 5.1)
Session room: Anton Discussants : Brien Alexandre, Université du Québec à Montréal Canada & Orly-Louis Isabelle, Université Paris Nanterre, France |
Symposium 6.2
Session room: Encore Kimberly A. S. Howard & Scott H. Solberg, Boston University, USA; Nurten Karacan Ozdemir, Hacettepe University, Türkiye |
IAEVG General Assembly (for members) 17:45–19:15
Thursday, 14 November
Plenary session 2 at 9:00
Session room: EncoreConstructing a cross-ministerial national lifelong guidance strategy: Action steps, and lessons from Finland
Minister of Education Anders Adlercreutz (online)
Petri Lempinen, Ministry of Education and Culture
Sareena Hopkins, Canadian Career Development Foundation,
Moderator: Raimo Vuorinen, FIER University of Jyväskylä
Coffee break / Poster session 3 at 10:30–11:15
Main theme: ICT, quality assurance and innovations
Poster nro |
Title |
31 |
Analyse de l’utilisation des technologies de l’information et des communications (TIC) en orientation scolaire et professionnelle : une évolution numérique de la profession |
32 | Difficulties and conflicts in career development support for subordinates by supervisors Rie Michitani, Juntendo University, Japan & Masaki Sumie, Bunkyo University, Japan |
33 | Everybody has to be a career counselor: the importance to involve all educational community in guidance Pilar Ponce, Education Council of the Community of Madrid, Spain PilarPonce.pdf |
34 |
Guidance in vocational high schools through the prism of a systemic approach |
35 |
What makes us believe in our skills? Measuring sources of career counseling self-efficacy |
36 |
A comparative study of guidance systems supporting VET transitions |
37 |
Lifelong guidance regional policies: two Italian regions in comparison |
38 | Overcoming microaggressions in career counseling: the role of 'Self as Context' in enhancing perceived counselor empathy Katsutoshi Furuta, Ritsumeikan University, Japan Furuta.pdf |
39 | Polarizing views and experiences of counselling lessons in school context Sirja Möttönen & Merja Tamminen, University of Eastern Finland, Finland |
40 |
The Roundabout method for promoting digital skills in career counseling: results from the preliminary validation phase in Italy |
41 | The Think-Aloud-Protocol as a reflecting tool on counselling competence development Marlene Andrea Wicker,University of Applied Labour Studies & Trier University, Germany Wicker.pdf |
42 | Understanding work experience in the post-digital era: taking challenges and competencies in the Job Analysis Teresa Maria Sgaramella & Lea Ferrari, University of Padova, Italy |
43 |
Using work-related competence measurements within an OSA to support informed study decisions |
44 |
Inter-University Network of Guidance Counsellor Teachers (RIPO). Collaboration on guidance research in the service of society. |
45 | Intervention integrating a collaborative guidance game to foster reflection on meaning for people with disabilities Caroline Arnoux-Nicolas, University of Paris Nanterre, France |
Parallel session 7 at 11:15–12:45
Paper session 7.1 - Theoretical Insights in career development
Session room: Felix Understanding UK Armed Forces veterans career guidance needs: A Systems Theory Framework approach Mathieu Busque-Carrier & Yann Le Corff, Université de Sherbrooke, Canada Busque-Carrier, Le Corff et Lépine.pdf |
Paper session 7.2 - Career adaptability
Session room: Keljo (Alexandra) Career counselling and guidance (CCG) in pre-university education system of Romania – a stakeholder analysis |
Paper session 7.3 - Career information and career learning
Session room: Vasikkavuori & Kanavuori (Alexandra) |
Paper session 7.4 - Dynamics in career education and guidance
Session room: Taulumäki (Alexandra) Navigating Uncertainty: Exploring the experience of uncertainty by generalist theology students Outlining the multifaceted question of impact in guidance policies and practices |
Workshop 7.1
Session room: Kortepohja (Alexandra) Possibilities of guidance for sustainable futures Sara Peltola, University of Jyväskylä, Finland & Anne Valkeapää, Euroguidance Finland, Finland |
Workshop 7.2
Session room: Anton Meet the Editor. Publishing in an academic journal: International Journal for Vocational and Educational Guigance Nikos Drosos, European Cypros University & IJVEG journal Editor, Cypros |
Workshop 7.3
Session room: Elsi Navigating digital evolution: Integrating responsible generative AI into career counseling Karacan Ozdemir Nurten, Hacettepe University, Türkiye |
Symposium 7.1
Session room: Encore |
Symposium 7.2
Session room: Alvar |
Lunch 12:45
Plenary session 3 at 13:45
Session room: Encore
Riding the Digital Wave
Jaana Kettunen, International Association for Educational and Vocational Guidance (IAEVG)
Petri Lempinen, Ministry of Education and Culture
Anthony Mann, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
Florian Kadletz, European Training Foundation (ETF)
Moderator: Raimo Vuorinen, FIER University of Jyväskylä