Hotel information


Jyväskylä city center offers many different accommodation options. A few potential alternatives close to the conference venue are listed below, but there are other options to cater for different tastes and budgets.

Specially negotiated rates are available for IAEVG 2024 conference delegates on a first-come, space-available basis
in two conviniently located hotels. Please book your accommodation directly with the hotels.

Solo Sokos Hotel Paviljonki

Address: Lutakonaukio 10, 40100 Jyväskylä

The hotel is located on Lake Jyväsjärvi, right next to the Paviljonki Conference Centre, where the IAEVG International Conference will be held. The railway and bus station as well as the city centre are also very close by.

Prices (including breakfast, the use of the hotel gym & sauna, as well as VAT)

  • 145 € / single room / night (Solo room)
  • 155 € / double room/ night (Solo room)
  • 160 € / single room / night (Solo up room)
  • 170 € / double room / night (Solo up room)
  • 175 € / single room / night (Supreme solo room)
  • 185 € / double room / night (Supreme solo room)

Original Sokos Hotel Alexandra

Address: Hannikaisenkatu 35, 40100 Jyväskylä

The hotel is located in the city center, a short walk away from the Paviljonki Conference Centre and the railway and bus station.

Prices (including breakfast, the use of the hotel sauna, as well as VAT)

  • 135 € / single room / night (Standard room)
  • 145 € / double room / night (Standard room)
  • 150 € / single room / night (Superior room)
  • 160 € / double room / night (Superior room)

Booking details for Solo Sokos Hotel Paviljonki and Original Sokos Hotel Alexandra

A selection of rooms have been set aside for IAEVG Conference delegates at the specially negotiated rate for the period starting 10 November and ending in 15 November 2024. Use the booking code BIAEVG to obtain the special rate. The booking code is valid until 2 November 2024. However, you are strongly advised to book as early as possible to avoid disappointment as unbooked rooms are gradually released to general sale starting in late September.

You can book

  • Online:
  • By phone: +358 20 1234 640
  • By email: sales.jyvaskyla(a)

Examples of other conviniently located accommodation options käyttää vain välttämättömiä evästeitä istunnon ylläpitämiseen ja anonyymiin tekniseen tilastointiin. ei koskaan käytä evästeitä markkinointiin tai kerää yksilöityjä tilastoja. Lisää tietoa evästeistä