Keynote speakers & Plenary panelists

Keynote speakers

Professor Spencer Niles

School of Education, College of William & Mary

Spencer Niles is a professor of counselor education and Dean Emeritus at the School of Education at the College of William & Mary. Previously, he served as Distinguished Professor and Department Head for Educational Psychology, Counseling, and Special Education at the Pennsylvania State University and as Professor and Assistant Dean at the University of Virginia.

Professor Niles is the current Editor for Counselor Education & Supervision and Past-Editor of The Career Development Quarterly and the Journal of Counseling & Development. He has authored or co-authored approximately 150 publications and delivered over 170 presentations on career development theory and practice. He has taught in more than 30 countries and served as a Fulbright Scholar at the Finnish Institute for Educational Research.

Dr Pedro Moreno da Fonseca

Lifelong Learning Specialist, International Labour Organization

Pedro Moreno da Fonseca is a Lifelong Learning Specialist at ILO headquarters, in Geneva. He carries out research and provides support to ILO’s constituents in the development of national skills and lifelong learning systems, as well as career development support systems. His portfolio also includes skills policies and governance, social partner engagement, financing of lifelong learning, skills utilisation, and qualification systems development. Prior to the ILO, he worked as an expert in Cedefop, the European Union agency for vocational education and training where he managed the portfolio on career guidance and founded the guidance policy network CareersNet. He holds a BA and a MA from the Lisbon School of Economics and Management and a PhD from the University of Porto.

Plenary panelists

Anthony Mann

 Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)

Cynthia Harrison Villalba

European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (CEDEFOP)

Ramon Iriarte

United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)


Florian Kadletz,

European Training Foundation (ETF)


Petri Lempinen

Ministry of Education and Culture

Anna Toni

Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment 

Sareena Hopkins

Canadian Career Development Foundation

Jaana Kettunen


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