Results of Feeling Good Survey

Summary of two Feeling Good Surveys done 2019-2021 during the project

In this summary are compared the two surveys with same questions. Both have been done by students in the 8th grade. The first was done in March 2019 and the second in March 2021. Altogether 77 of 83 students(93%) in 2019 and 80 of 113 students(71%) in 2021 answered the questions.

The situation in the whole world changed dramatically last spring when Covid-19 spread everywhere. And the situation is still going on. So, it has been interesting to study the results; whether Covid-19 has an impact to the results this year.

It seems that there haven't been any big changes in the lifestyle of the 8th graders during these two years. But maybe some points good to be mentioned.

The students were asked about their eating and sleeping habits, hobbies, the use of mobile phone, relationship with their parents and how they feel at the moment.

Finnish young people seem to eat well and often as it is nationally recommended. In both surveys about 70% of the students say that they eat 4-5 times a day. The only concern is that there is often fast food like pizza, hamburgers etc. on their favourite food lists. But luckily the traditional meatballs, porridge, potatoes etc. are also on the list, especially in the second survey.

When asked about physical exercise almost 50 % of the students in both surveys told that they exercise at least 6 hours a week, which is quite good. But 16 % of the students in the first survey and 21% of the students in the second survey told that they exercise 2 hours or less in a week, which is not good at all. In fact this gives cause of concern because there has been discussion in Finland that the recommendation is at least an hour a day.

During these two years the students seem to have started to sleep less: only 37,5% of the students sleeps 8-9 hours when two years ago the amount was 50% and 20 % of the students sleep 5 hours or less (5% two years ago). This is far too little for children in this age. The question what has changed in their lives would require more research. Maybe it is the situation with the covid-19, maybe not. The situation now is certainly more stressful than two years ago and it surely affecs on sleeping.

The second survey proves the fact we teachers see in every day life. The use of mobile phones has increased a lot during the two years. Two years ago 13 % of the students told that they use their mobile phone more than 6 hours a day while the percentage is now 29. A huge growth! Maybe this is not a surprise because of the social isolation which has come with the covid-19. Of course it impacts also our students.

Most of our students told in both surveys that they have a good or very good relationship with their parents and that they are feeling good. A few of them told in the second survey about the stress and tiredness. Hopefully with the support of the parents and friends the stress will decrease. 

All in all these small surveys prove the importance of good food, good sleep, good exercise and good relationships. And the situation in Alavus secondary school is not bad at all.

Feeling good RESULTS 2021


Answered: 80 of 113 students (71%)

1. How many times do you eat a day?

Most of the students (41 %) eat 5 times a day

21 % eat 4 times a day

16 % eat only twice a day

2. What time do you eat?

Breakfast – 7 am

Lunch – 11 am (at school)

Snack – 14 - 15 pm

Dinner – 18 pm

Evening meal 20 – 21 pm

3. What do you usually eat more often?

Porridge, bread, noodles, soup, potatoes and sauce (minced meat), pasta, rice and chicken, macaroni casserole, pizza and meatballs

4. Favourite food?

Pizza, lasagne, pasta, tortilla, potato and meat, rice and chicken

5. How many times do you do physical exercise in a week?

2 or less – 21 %

3 to 5 hours a week – 31%

6 - 8 hours a week – 24 %

9 or more – 24 %

6. Favourite sports?

27 students don’t have any sporty hobbies or hobbies at all. In Finland the most popular sporty hobbies are Finnish baseball, gym, ice hockey, football, floorball, motocross, badminton, riding, swimming and biking.

7. How many hours a day do you sleep?

More than 37,5 % of the students sleep 8 - 9 hours a day

41,3 % sleep 6 – 7 hours

There are also students who sleep 5 hours or less (20 %)

8. What time do you go to bed?

Most of the students (74 %) go to bed after 10.00 p.m

9. What time do you wake up?

At 6 am or earlier - 31 % (because of the long bus drive to school).

Most of the students (63 %) wake up at 7 am at school mornings. The school starts at 8 o’clock

10. How long do you spend on the phone every day?

3 – 5 hours a day (53 %)

More than 6 hours a day (29%)

11. What kind of relationship do you have with your parents?

Most students have a good or really good relationship

12. How do you feel right now?

Most of the students are feeling good and happy. Somebody is tired or a little bit stressed.

According to this survey our students sleep and eat quite well and the relationship with their parents is good. Overall the results were good.
However students spend a lot of time on their phone every day and that's a bit alarming.
Some students feel tired or stressed, maybe due to covid-19 situation.




Answered:77 of 83 students (93%)

1. How many times do you eat a day?

Almost 50% of the students 5 times a day, and almost 70 % eat 4 – 5 times a day.

2. What time do you eat?

Breakfast – 7 am

Lunch – 11 am

Snack – 14 - 15 pm

Dinner – 18 pm

Evening meal 20 – 21 pm

3. What do you usually eat more often?

Potatoes and sauce (minced meat), pasta, rice and chicken, macaroni casserole, mashed potatoes and meatballs

4. Favourite food?

Pizza, lasagne, pasta, noodles, tacos, sush

5. How many times do you do physical exercise in a week?

2 or less – 16 %

3 to 5 hours a week – 35%

6 - 8 hours a week – 26 %

9 or more – 23

6. Favourite sports?

Only three of the students don’t have any sporty hobbies or hobbies at all. In Finland the most popular sporty hobbies are Finnish baseball, ice hockey, football, floorball, badminton, riding, swimming, biking and 8-ball pool

7. How many hours a day do you sleep?

More than 50% of the students sleep 8 - 9 hours a day.

40 % sleep 6 – 7 hours.

There are also students who sleep 5 hours or less (5 %).

8. What time do you go to bed?

Most of the students go to bed after 10.00 p.m

9. What time do you wake up?

At 6 am or earlier - 23 % (because of the long bus drive to school).

Most of the students wake up at 7 am at school mornings. The school starts at 8 o’clock

10. How long do you spend on the phone every day?

3 – 5 hours a day (74 %)

More than 6 hours a day (13%)

11. What kind of relationship do you have with your parents?

Most students have a good or really good relationship

12. How do you feel right now?

Most of the students are feeling good and happy.



It seems most of the teens eat well and many times a day. They also sleep quite good and have surprisingly many sporty hobbies – some of them do sports over 9 hours a week. The hours spent on the phone in social media or playing games are however very alarming. That is one of the things that it’s also being noticed at school: it is very hard for the students to keep their phones away during lessons.