Course outline

TUE OCT 2 Beginning the course
WED OCT 3  Topic 1
FRI OCT 5 Topic 1
TUE OCT 9 Speeches
WED  OCT 10 Topic 2
FRI OCT 12  Topic 2
TUE OCT 23 Topic 3
WED  OCT 24 Topic 3
FRI OCT 26 Topic 4
TUE OCT 30 Topic 4
WED OCT 31 Topic 4 + preparing your presentations
FRI NOV 2 Topic 6
TUE NOV 6 Presentations
WED NOV 7 Topic 6
FRI NOV 9 Topic 7
TUE NOV 13 Topic 7
WED NOV 14 Topic 8
FRI NOV 16 Topic 8
TUE NOV 20 Practising for the oral exam

There will be an oral exam, which will be taken in pairs, at the end of the course. More on that later...

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