Dutch proverbs

Description of the exercise

First lesson

You can introduce what is a proverb e.g. by a movie


After this you can introduce the proverbs you will use in the game. The example is made with animal proverbs, however you can choose any subject you would like (e.g. professions, history, body parts, nature). You can show some examples of how you can make a proverb into a picture.


All children choose one proverb and think how they can make this into a picture (drawing, art work, dressing up etc.) They will make a detailed plan as a homework.

Second lesson

All children prepare the attributes they need to make their picture, and the pictures of the proverbs are made.

Third lesson


  • board game (you find the attachment below)
  • cards with proverbs or QR codes of the proverbs
  • Cards with pictures of the proverbs
  • Pawns
  • Two teams of at least two players

There are four categories on the board:

  • Pantomime: You have to portray the saying without speaking
  • Meaning: You have to tell the meaning of the proverb
  • Alias: You have to explain the proverb, without using the words of the proverb
  • Picture: You take a card with a picture and have to tell what is the proverb on it

All players start at the beginning, and move one step per turn. If your team has the correct answer you get a point and move on step forward. If it is wrong, you don´t get a point and you have to stay where you are. When on team hits the finish line, the game is over, and you count the points to see who won.