Week 41

Tekijä: Olga Bulkhova


Homework assignment
Finnish: Tee Taitojen vihkon s.37 tehtävä 4 a ja b
Today we continued our Poems-project: read the poems about animals and then pupils made "human sculptures" to illustrate the poem they've read.
At Maths we practiced mental maths (päässälaskut). English: Kittens (like Puppies on Friday) practiced numerals.


Homework assignment
Finnish: Tee Taitojen vihkon s. 37 teht.4c ja s. 39 teht.2, lue ohjeiden mukaan Lukukirjan s.28-29
PE: Orientation = Treasure hunt. The pupils played in pairs hiding and looking for “treasure” in the school yard using the map. And then in the classroom we discussed what is usually shown on a map and what are the English terms. At Finnish we played Word game training our language skills.


Homework assignment
Maths: Homework p.87
Finnish: Tee Taitojen vihkon s.40 tehtävät 1 ja 2
The pupils were really creative today. Our Poem-project came to the stage when everyone tried to make his/her own poem. Then we worked hard to plan a picture/drawing to illustrate the poem. We will do our best to get them ready tomorrow.
At Maths lesson we studied that multiplication is closely related to addition and that you can count things in ma y different ways. 


Homework assignment
Maths: ViLLe - Get Bronze Cup for next Tursday.
It was rather busy day. We had an american student with us today. And we worked hard upon our Poem-project. We painted the background and draw our animals. Zoe read us two books and then everyone read his/her book for the Reading Certificate. Both groups Puppies and Kittens Practiced Maths with ViLLe. Great work!


We started the long-awaited Multiplication! We did the exercises from the book and rapped the Multiplication table of two in small groups and later all together! Learn and have fun!

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