

The process of making your study plan starts in the beginning of the studies. The Personal Study Plan are made here in Moodle. An important part of PSP work consist of the personal tutoring sessions and discussions you will have with a lecturer in the beginning and later during your studies.

Personal Study Plan compiles personal interests, requirements for learning, previous studies, working experience and other possibly related matters. PSP is not a static or definitive document. It can and will be revised during studies and you are encouraged to make changes when ever they are reasoned. PSP also helps to outline the whole structure and contents of your studies. Another purpose of PSP is to strengthen your commitment to your studies.

PSP can be revised at any time. During your studies you will make self-assessment of your own study process. PSP is the base and the background on which you will reflect and evaluate your studies.

PSP is a confidential document between the student and tutoring teachers.