Lecture 5 Steps for change

Lecture 5 Steps for change

This lecture takes you to Kotter´s eight steps for change. It illustrates different stages of change and it is useful for any leader to analyze and follow what is going on in a process of change or if somenthing went wrong in leadership behavior. How to lead people out from their comfort zone?

Before any lecture either open or save to your computer the assigned PowerPoint presentations.

Assignment before the lecture: None

Open or save the PowerPoint slides related to this lecture ELSS840_S1_L5.pdf

Listen to the lecture, and afterwards do the assignment given below.

Write your learning experiences into your personal Reflective report.

Assignment after the lecture: You can choose between three options of readings and writing. Choose only one of the following (a-c). The length of the paper should be 3-4 pages. This is an individual work not to be formally assessed: therefore the commentary on the discussion area is very important.

After writing your assignment, place it on the discussion area. Make sure you comment at least one report of each three possibilities. Also check, that all reports have been commented.

a) Case analyses using the 'classics' Greiner, Kotter, and Lewin:

After reading the articles of the classics (1-3) (listed here), and chapter 7 Change theory from the course book Holbeche, L. 2006. Understanding Change, make an analyses of a case you have experienced where a major change took place. Describe the case and then analyze it with the frameworks and theories of change presented in the readings; use the theories and frameworks which 'fit' the case and explains it best. You can also use several frameworks in the analyses. The evaluation of this assignment is based on the clarity of writing, depth of the analysis, and the use of references.

b) Developing the education sector in your country - Systemic change

Read the articles (4-6) (listed here), and the chapter 10 Organizational development from the course book Holbeche, L. 2006. Understanding Change and then write an essay about renewing the educational sector in your country. You can focus either in a regional level or the national level, but not on school level (that is in part c). Describe the situation and discuss the possible change and development efforts and link your ideas to the readings. The evaluation of this assignment is based on the clarity of writing, depth of the analysis, and the use of references.

c) School development and change - Cases of school change
Read the articles (7-10) (listed here) and chapter 4 The impact of change on people from the course book Holbeche, L. 2006. Understanding Change. Then, discuss the various experiences seen in school development and change efforts. Relate your discussion to change theories, especially to chapter 4 in the course book, and other theories in the readings, if needed.