Lecture 1 Leadership styles and buzzwords

Lecture 1 Leadership styles and buzzwords

In this lecture we will dig little bit deeper in to Hitt´s thinking. You are invited to do an exercise with the students. So please stop watching video before the students start to give their own numbers (10min:30sec), and put your own suggestions with numbers 1-4 beside the word. Then listen the end of the lesson and you will be given the right answers.

Before any lecture either print or save to your computer the assigned Power Point presentation.

Assignment before the lecture: Read from the course book (Fullan) chapters 2-3.

Open or save the Power Point slides related to this lecture FILE MISSING

Listen to the lecture, and afterwards do the assignment given below.

Write your learning experiences into your personal Reflective report. The reflective reports for all lectures will be submitted in one file after whole session.

Assignment after the lecture: None