What is Horizon to the Future -project??

Horizon to the Future -project is for students and teachers in Joutsa/Finland, Montmélo/Spain, Cambre/Spain, Civitavecchia/Italy and Bitterfeld/Germany.
The aim of the project is to give tools and methods for young people to monitor their career plans. Teachers learn these methods and can use them later in their own work.

Timetable for years 2015-2018:

Autumn 2015: Montmélo, Spain
Transnational meeting in 28.-30.10.2015.
Workshop for students and seminar for teachers in 23.-27.11.2015, with the theme: Emotions and us.

Spring 2016: Joutsa, Finland
Transnational meeting in 15.-17.3.2016.
Workshop for students and seminar for teachers in 11.-15.4.2016, with the theme: Getting to know me and my possibilities.

Autumn 2016: Bitterfeld, Germany
Transnational meeting in 27.-29.9.2016.
Workshop for students and seminar for teachers in 24.-28.10.2016, with the theme: How to present myself for other people.

Spring 2017: Cambre, Spain
Transnational meeting in 14.-18.3.2017.
Workshop for students and seminar for teachers in 8.-13.5.2017, with the theme: Resolving conflicts: Peer to peer mediation.

Autumn 2017: Civitavecchia, Italy
Transnational meeting in 26.-28.9.2017.
Workshop for students and seminar for teachers in 23.-27.10.2017, with the theme: Being entrepeneur today

Spring 2018: Joutsa, Finland
The Final seminar in Spring 2018 ”How does the Future Horizon look now?” of the whole project.

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