Administrative information of the project

Administrative information of the project

This page is for admistrative information. Here you will find our application, the budget and our general evaluation and reports.
Those evaluations and reports concerning a certain activity, will be found in that activity´s own page.
Please ask, if you have further questions,
Sanna Pienmäki, project´s coordinator



Project starts in 1.9.2015.


Transnational meeting no.1: September 2015: in Montmélo, Spain
Transnational meeting for 3 days + 2 days for travelling
Participants: 1-2 teachers from each partner school (= 5-10 persons), either project´s contact persons and/or teachers accompanying students in following workshop.
Aim: get to know the fasilities/other teachers/travelling methods etc in advande, have time to plan the upcoming workshop and decide rules etc. Have time to organize all practical issues.

Workshop no.1: ”Emotions and us”.
Teachers learning event no1.:
November 2015: in Montmélo, Spain: Duration 5 full days + 2 days for travelling

Workshop no.1. content and methods:
Socioemotional education (EE) develops personal attitudes, which will foster good relationships, citizenship and the social competences. It improves relationships and coexistence at school.
Cooperative learning. Emotion recognision tasks and expression by using arts and cretivity: role play games, students works of art (pictures, dances, play etc.) and a gallery of those. All their works will be documented in a blog.
Teachers learning event no.1:
Give teachers updated information of EE, Make them aware of EE´s meaning and methods.
Presentation by professionals of EE and teachers debates over certain topics. Creativity- and group dynamic workshops.


Transnational meeting no2.: March 2016: in Joutsa, Finland
Transnational meeting for 3 days + 2 days for travelling
Participants: 1-2 teachers from each partner school (= 5-10 persons), either project´s contact persons and/or teachers accompanying students in following workshop.
Aim: get to know the fasilities/other teachers/travelling methods etc in advande, have time to plan the upcoming workshop and decide rules etc. Have time to organize all practical issues.
To discuss and evaluate all previous workshops, teachers learning events and transnational meetings: good and bad things and how to make everything better.

Workshop no.2: ”Getting to know me and my possibilities”.
Teachers learning event no.2.
May 2016: in Joutsa, Finland: Duration 5 full days + 2 days for travelling

Preliminary task to all participants before the workshop-week. Task is about monitoring ones personal well-being during certain time, this task is dealt in workshop. Notice: all other students can also do this task and it can be dealt in small groups in all our partner schools. During the workshop a skype meeting with all the schools presentatives present at the same time and talk about well-being factors, this way ALL our students would be involved!

Workshop no.2. content and methods:
Increase students motivation for future academic or vocational education, develop their self ackowledgement, strenghts&weaknessnes
Self knowledge tasks, occupation tests, self- and peer assesment tasks, personal weelbeing tasks. Group discussions, videos, presentations, arts.

Teachers learning event no2.:
Counselling has the aim to give both tools and adult reflecting partner, by which students can plan their own studing and occupational careers in the future. In Finnish counselling system the key is the personal relationship with the student, that forms a relationship of mutual respect and so it´s possible to talk very personal issues together with the student.
The second important issue in counselling are the different excercies and tasks we do with the students. Through those excercises they can monitor their thoughts, find out thei personal characteristics, try to find a suitable field of studies and careers for themselves. The third important issue is the cooperation with local enterprises with whom is possible to carry out various practical projects during which students are able to gain concrete experience of practical works.

The content of teacher´s seminar:
To get to know Finnish counselling- and educational system,
To get know our KiVa-school method for mediation and Green Flag activity for enhancing pupils participation,
To get to know our good practises in the field of cooperation with local enterprises, that is our yearly Calendar -project and the big "Occupations happening" in every 3. years.

Presentations of teachers and students of different topics,
Groupdiscussions with participants,
Studyvisits to for example enterprises.


Transnational meeting no3.: September 2016: in Bitterfeld, Germany
Transnational meeting for 3 days + 2 days for travelling
Participants: 1-2 teachers from each partner school (= 5-10 persons), either project´s contact persons and/or teachers accompanying students in following workshop.
Aim: get to know the fasilities/other teachers/travelling methods etc in advande, have time to plan the upcoming workshop and decide rules etc. Have time to organize all practical issues.
To discuss and evaluate all previous workshops, teachers learning events and transnational meetings: good and bad things and how to make everything better.

Workshop no.3: ”How to present myself for other people”
Teachers learning event no3.
November 2016: in Bitterfeld, Germany: Duration 5 full days + 2 days for travelling

Workshop no.3. content and methods:
In everyday life and also in the future it is very important that students are able to present themselves very clearly to other people. They have to have skills how to present their thoughts, ideas and also how to present critical or opposite views. And hoe to make sure that other people will understand them correctly. It is also nescessary to undertand non-verbal communication and it´s meaning when working with people who are coming from another culture.

Methods of Peer mediation
Workshop for soft skills: self presentation, that is non-verbal communication skills), clear communication, self-organisation, time-management.
Workshop for debating methods (e.g. fishbowl, pro-contra-debate)Peer mediation German method, soft skills, presentation skills which are non-verbal communication, time management, how can I organise myself, motivational issues
Different kinds of debating excercises: for example: ”fish bowl” and ”jugend debat” -methods

Teachers learning event no.3:

Getting to know good practises of peer mediation, soft- and presentation skills.
Teachers are presented "Off-campus-learning" -methods udes in Walter Rathenau:
- activities in other leaning places than school
- placing learning off campus
- preparation for vocation-contact to firms
- vocational life
- preparation for academic life


Transnational meeting no.4: March 2017: in Cambre, Spain.
Transnational meeting for 3 days + 2 days for travelling
Participants: 1-2 teachers from each partner school (= 5-10 persons), either project´s contact persons and/or teachers accompanying students in following workshop.
Aim: get to know the fasilities/other teachers/travelling methods etc in advande, have time to plan the upcoming workshop and decide rules etc. Have time to organize all practical issues.
To discuss and evaluate all previous workshops, teachers learning events and transnational meetings: good and bad things and how to make everything better.

Workshop no.4: ”Resolving conflicts: Peer to peer mediation”
Teachers learning event no4.
May 2017: in Cambre, Spain: Duration 5 full days + 2 days for travelling

Workshop no.4. content and methods:
Conflict resolution training, teach them to act responsibly in social settings, empowering them to be peacemakers, mediator training, to overcome resistance
Role play games, cooperative learning, videos, presentations, supporting lectures.
Brainstorming process.

Teachers learning event no.4:
Promote life long learning (LLL) and Spread this methodology to other schools, Analyze the use of mediation in classroom, Exchange ideas for confronting conflictive situations.
A blog about the strategies being learned: reports, interviews and role play videos.


Transnational meeting no.5: in September, in Civitavecchia, Italy
Transnational meeting for 3 days + 2 days for travelling
Participants: 1-2 teachers from each partner school (= 5-10 persons), either project´s contact persons and/or teachers accompanying students in following workshop.
Aim: get to know the fasilities/other teachers/travelling methods etc in advande, have time to plan the upcoming workshop and decide rules etc. Have time to organize all practical issues.
To discuss and evaluate all previous workshops, teachers learning events and transnational meetings: good and bad things and how to make everything better.

Workshop no.5: ”Being entrepeneur today”
Teachers learning event no5.
November 2017: in Civitavecchia, Italy: Duration 5 full days + 2 days for travelling

Workshop no.5. content and methods:
Managerial skills necessary to face a more competitive and often hostile environment, abilities and personal characteristics role play games, cooperative learning, videos, PP presentations

Teachers learning event no.5:
Integration of school lesson and training of the job activities is conceived as an opportunity for improvement of teaching methods in high schools. To hook the sensitivity of students, stimulate their projection into the future, to experiment with the skills required by the market and create in their motivation. To invite the school to produce new training strategies and relationship with the students.
interactivity and on the alternation of moments of work in plenary and in small groups, the use of simulations, role plays.

The Final seminar ”How does the Future Horizon look now?” of the whole project
In March 2018 in Joutsa, Finland.
Duration 3 full days + 2 days for travelling
Participants: Project team (5 persons) and 1-5 teachers from every partner school
Evaluating the whole project with our Project team (=Sanna, Chiara, Beatriz, Marta and Sven).
Presenting the outcomes and our eGuide to all public, invite media and stakeholders.
Planning the future co-operation.

Project ends in 31.5.2018.
Total duration 33 months. käyttää vain välttämättömiä evästeitä istunnon ylläpitämiseen ja anonyymiin tekniseen tilastointiin. ei koskaan käytä evästeitä markkinointiin tai kerää yksilöityjä tilastoja. Lisää tietoa evästeistä