Important instructions for travelling!! for Teachers & Students´groups

VERY IMPORTANT information for all teachers who are travelling with the students !!!

In Horizon -project there are 5 workshop weeks for students and 5 seminar weeks for teachers. These weeks happen at the same time in the same place.
To every workshop/seminar -week there can be a group of 7-10 students and 1-2 teachers from every school participating this project!
Start to plan your journey in advance, and remember that the contact person from your school will help you within everything!
This page you will find very important information for travelling and for the actual activity. Please, read all the information very carefully!!
I hope you have pleasant journeys within our Horizon to the Future -project!
Best wishes,
Sanna Pienmäki

Responsibilities for the teacher(s) who travel(s) with the group!!

Dear techer,
You have been selected to do a very important task. In this page you will find all the documents you need and here is a checlist, so you remember all duties involving this project :)

Before you travel:
1. Please have one or more meetings with the group of students: make plans, decide your rules, make a blogsite etc. Send the blogsite´s address to Sanna, so she can do the link in our homepage.
2. Please meet also the parents!! And give them all the nessessary information of the destination you are travelling and all the arrangements.

During your seminar/workshop -week:
1. Learn new methods, tasks and excercises, meet new people, enjoy yourself! and write in your report all these good practises that you learned during the week.
2. In the end of the week, You and all students will be asked to fill up an questionnaire of the weeks arrangements, please fill that up carefully.
3. You and your group: write your experiences online in your own blogsite!! You can make videos, photos etc.. Blogsite can be done in the format you feel most comfortable with!

After your seminar/workshop -week:
1. Complete your own assessment report!!
2. Keep youself a presentation in your teacher´s meeting, so that all teachers have the possibility to hear what you have learnt!
3. Organize that the group gives a presentation of the journey for all students at your school or at least for some groups. It is important that as many as possible hears about students´ learning experiences.
4. Collect all the newspaper articles written of our project.

And finally, please, send all these materials to our project leader: Sanna Pienmäki, email: and she will put them in our homepage!


Please read these carefully and discuss with the students and parents!!

- In airplains there stickt rules, please make sure from the airport company their rules!!
- LUGGAGE: consider carefully what you need with you, here is a link to Finnish Finnavia`s luggage instructions: Finnavia
- Scan copies of your ticekts to your email
- Be with your group when travelling, do not go anywhere alone

- INSURANCE is obligatory for all travellers!!!
- Please have a discussion with your group of safety when travelling abroad

- We recommend the European Healhcard for all traveller.
Here are the links where you can get it and instructions how to do it:
Finland: KELA
Italy: käyttää vain välttämättömiä evästeitä istunnon ylläpitämiseen ja anonyymiin tekniseen tilastointiin. ei koskaan käytä evästeitä markkinointiin tai kerää yksilöityjä tilastoja. Lisää tietoa evästeistä