Paula Perez 2024

Paula Perez

Hello everybody!
My name is Paula and I come from Spain, a warmer country where some of you may have
been on holiday.

I have been living in Finland since September 1st, as an exchange student (ERASMUS). One
of the questions I am often asked is, why Finland? The truth is that since I started my
university career as an early childhood education teacher I have not stopped hearing my
teachers talk about how good the education is in this country. I had researched about your
methodologies and how your schools work, but I wanted to experience the results and
compare if there is any possibility to put into practice what I have learnt here in my country.

I feel very fortunate that my university has given me the opportunity to be here, because
thanks to this I have been able to get to know the educational community that makes up
Mutalan Koulu. Throughout my experience at the school, I have been able to learn values
such as teamwork, empathy, perseverance and self-improvement.

I would like to thank you all for accompanying me throughout my internship at the school,
explaining and guiding me through the explanations that I did not understand. I also want to
thank you for welcoming me. I have felt like another teacher at the school, especially having
had the opportunity to lead two music classes and one art class, introducing Spanish culture
to the pupils.

I return to Spain enriched by your culture and with a heart full of anecdotes of which you are
a part. I hope to see you again in the not too distant future.