Gara San Pablo 2023

Final report

One of my main reasons to do an Erasmus programme in Finland was to see and experience the famous Finnish educational system, and doing my internship at Mutalan Koulu gave me the opportunity to see how it is applied to kids.
It surprised me a lot to see the freedom that the kids have in class and the autonomy and the trust that the teachers have in them. It made me realize that if you give space to your students and let them learn things by themselves and with the help of other students, they will gain a lot of confidence and learn how to be self-sufficient for many things. 
I am really interested in sports and in Physical Education and Music classes and seeing that they learn completely different sports from the ones that we learn in Spain and the amount of instruments and utilities that they have to ensure a broader education… I loved it.
Also, we have the stereotype of Finnish people being closed and shy, but the girls in 6th grade proved to me that, if you are nice with them and they like you, they will open up with you and show you a lot of affection.

Gara San Pablo 2023

Gara took part in 6th Graders activities and was monitoring and helping the class. She also took part in multidiciplinary week which theme was sustainability.