Glòria and Sílvia from Spain 2017

Gloria and Silvia

We are Sílvia and Glòria, two teachers from Barcelona, Spain. We work in a big school which has been working for more than a hundred years. Nowadays it is immersed in a renovation process and for that reason we decided to apply for an Erasmus grant and learn about education system from different countries.

We came to Finland in order to observe teachers working in this country and learn new methodologies and different approaches to education.

We are very glad to be in Mutala School and we feel very welcome. Pupils, teachers and all the staff are very kind and helpful.

We have just words of gratitude.

We have had very nice weeks at Joensuu. Mutalan Koulu is like a big family, everybody was very kind with us. We felt like at home.

We have learned a lot from teachers, Finnish culture, methodologies, student, family... We were so lucky to enjoy not only with the “stablished” activities but also with extra activities which were absolutely awesome along with some teachers and parents who gave us their free time to let us know more about Joensuu, Finland and its wonderful people.

We just landed to Barcelona with lot of energy, ideas, projects and dreams to go on with our teaching work. Finishing our Erasmus stay with Mutalan Festival was unbelievable. It was just great to take part of it and joining to the school teacher’s band. Although we know our artistic and musical skills weren’t very good we did our best. Promise you!

It has been an amazing and unforgettable experience!

Thank you kindly!

Sílvia and Glòria käyttää vain välttämättömiä evästeitä istunnon ylläpitämiseen ja anonyymiin tekniseen tilastointiin. ei koskaan käytä evästeitä markkinointiin tai kerää yksilöityjä tilastoja. Lisää tietoa evästeistä