Samstag, den 17. November

The First Day

Today was the first day of the Comenius Project. In the morning all the Finnish, English and German students met in the school Lukio. It began with presentations from each of the schools. The school Lukio began by showing a funny video about life in their school; they wanted to show the location of the school and also the atmosphere within it. Afterwards "West Kirby Grammar School" showed a powerpoint presentation containing information about their school.
Then we took part in "speed dating". Students from each school were split into groups and given a topic - for example, we each had to talk about our hobbies, favourite foods and films - to talk about for 2 minutes, after these 2 minutes the groups would be changed. This meant that students from different schools got to know about each other and learn about the different countries.

After this, the students got split up into 5 different groups and each group had a different workshop to do.
Workshop 1 was about tolerence in school.
Workshop 2 was about equality in school.
Workshop 3 was about sport and movement within school.
Workshop 4 was about creavity and its role in school.
And workshop 5, Pedanet, is our task. We must document each day and describe the project; so that pupils not participating can have an inside view of the project.

At lunchtime we were all given a free, healthy meal. This was very tasty and it allowed students from different workshops to talk to each other. During lunch we went down to the games room and played pool and table tennis.
All the groups then discussed their results from today's work.

The groups finally went back to their workshops to finish off for the day. We will all meet later on at 6pm, to go to the school's musical and afterwards we might go out together as a group.

(This article was written by Oisin Power and Rhakul T.) käyttää vain välttämättömiä evästeitä istunnon ylläpitämiseen ja anonyymiin tekniseen tilastointiin. ei koskaan käytä evästeitä markkinointiin tai kerää yksilöityjä tilastoja. Lisää tietoa evästeistä