Katerina Eleftheriadi 2017

Do it like a Finnish for 4 months!

Moi! Minun nimeni on Katerina Eleftheriadi ja Olen kotoisin Kreikasta. Olen opettaja ja olen kaksikymmentäkaksivuotias. And now I think is time to continue in English…

After my graduation from the School of Education at the University of Athens I jumped at the chance and participated at the Erasmus + traineeships program. I chose Finland because of the great educational system it has. My supervisor from my University recommended me the Mutala school, where finally my expectations fulfilled to the fullest.

It was a great challenge to work in a different system and live in totally different culture and weather conditions (eventually to my surprise, I managed to survive even in temperatures between -20 and -30!)

The first day I landed to Joensuu a snowstorm welcomed me, so I was sure that a great adventure had just started.

In Mutalan Koulu a friendly atmosphere was dominant and I felt free to plan English lessons and projects in every grade. Gradually, I familiarized myself with Finnish culture, customs and habits.

I came to realize that the pupils have the central role in education and teachers should find the most effective way to facilitate the learning process. I familiarized more myself with the new technology and I saw in practice how teachers can use technology as an educational tool. I visited every grade and spent time with teachers and pupils. In that way, I observed different teaching styles and I saw in practice ways to strengthen pupils’ positive behavior. I was also surprised by the handcraft’s class - which is something that we don’t have in the Greek curriculum- and by the fact that boys and girls had the same tasks to complete( knitting ,using wood and saws).

Turning back time I can recall in mind many unique experiences that I gained through my internship in Mutala School. In the international week for example, I came in contact with teachers from all around Europe and many different cultures as well. Taking part in various extracurricular activities (skiing trip, visit to Koli national park, entrepreneur course in Kuopio). Worked on projects at the English class and prepared lesson plans for all the grades, participated in a workshop about robotics, organized a Greek language and Culture club. I really enjoyed the theatrical project with the 4th graders about the Greek gods’ visit to Koli national Park. I had also the opportunity to work together with other international students and visit other schools. Moreover, when I was the supervisor during break time I had the opportunity to come closer with the pupils and develop strong relations with them. They were all willing to talk with me and I am sure I will miss them. I wish them all the best for their future and I hope that they learned something from me!

As my internship came to an end I would like to thank all the teachers and teaching assistants who made my period at school a pleasant experience, the principle Risto and of course Hanna-Kaisa for taking great care of me during my training period.

Teachers and Pupils: I am waiting for all of you in Greece!

Kiitos and I hope to see you again!
