23. Denmark

23.1 Danish geography

Denmark is located on the peninsula and islands that separate the North Sea from the Baltic Sea. Unlike the soil of other Nordic countries, the Danish soil consists mainly of sand and clay that have accumulated in the region after the last Ice Age.

Denmark contains only a few lakes and small rivers. It also consists mostly of lowland areas. The highest point of Denmark is located only 172 meters above sea level. 

Denmark's flat geography and temperate climate make it suitable for large-scale agriculture.

Many Danish islands have been connected with each other by building bridges. The Øresund Bridge is one of the longest bridges. It connects the Danish metropolitan area of Copenhagen with the Swedish city of Malmö, and is almost 8 kilometers long.

23.2 Danish economy and society

Denmark is known for its agriculture. Fishing and livestock farming are also important forms of primary production. The Danish industrial sector produces agricultural products, pharmaceuticals and oil. Danish brewery products are also a popular export. 

Denmark is a constitutional monarchy. This means that Denmark has its own royal family, but actually decision-making rests on the democratically elected parliament.

Denmark became a member of the European Union already in the year 1973, when the union was still called the European Community. In addition to belonging to the EU, Denmark is also part of the military defence alliance NATO.

Denmark is home to approximately 5,6 million people, making it slightly larger than Finland. Over one fifth of the Danish population is concentrated near the capital city of Copenhagen, on the island of Sjaelland.

Because Denmark is a country with a small surface area (43 561 km2) and a relatively large population, it is the most densely populated Nordic nation.