18.2 Movement between rural and urban regions

As people flock from rural areas to urban regions, the result is the formation of various net emigration regions. These regions can be found specifically in eastern and northern parts of Finland.

In a net emigration region, more people emigrate away from the region into other parts of the nation than immigrate into the region. As the young population of a net emigration region leaves to work in large cities, it is common that the average age of the region becomes older. In these regions, the birth rate is lower than in other parts of the nation, as the number of family-building adults is lower. 

Finnish net immigration regions include all the large cities of Southern Finland and their surrounding municipalities. These regions offer plenty of jobs and education opportunities. On the other hand, the growing population density also increases the amount of traffic and pollution in these regions. In addition, the price of housing in these regions can skyrocket as demand increases. 

The map on the left displays a forecast of population change in the Nordic countries between the years 2017 and 2030. The areas marked in deep blue are net immigration regions, where the population is estimated to grow by over 10 %. The areas marked by red lines are densely populated regions that accommodate approximately 80 % of the nation's total population. 

The map shows how the Nordic population growth is concentrated only in specific, relatively small areas. These areas are mostly large cities and, with only a few exceptions, generally located in the southern parts of the Nordic countries.