17.3 Australian climate and vegetation

Australia is located completely on the planet's southern hemisphere. This is why December and January are the two warmest seasons on the continent. As a result, it is no problem for Australians to go surfing on Christmas Eve, something that would be unthinkable in the Northern Hemisphere. 

The northernmost parts of Australia are located near the equator. Rainforests grow in these northern regions. In contrast to these lush forests, the innermost parts of Australia receive only a little precipitation throughout the year. The majority of the continent consists of savannas and deserts

The eucalyptus tree is native to Australia. It is widely used as a material in both construction and paper production. In right conditions, an eucalyptus tree can grow tens of meters in a period of just 20 years. The leaves of the eucalyptus tree are not eaten by many animals. However, one of the few animals that does like the leaves is the koala, which is one of Australia's many endemic species.