9.2 Fossil fuels

Source Percentage of the planet's total energy production
Oil 34 % (fossil fuel, largest producers: USA and Saudi Arabia)
Natural gas 24 % (fossil fuel, USA, EU, and China)
Coal  27 % (fossil fuel, e.g. USA, China)
Nuclear power 4 % (e.g. USA, France, and China)
Water power 7 % (e.g. China, Canada, Norway)
Other 4 % (solar energy, wind power, etc.) (Source: Wikipedia)

Like their name suggests, fossil fuels were formed when the remains of ancient organisms decomposed in anaerobic conditions under layers of other materials. The formation of fossil fuels has occurred over a long period of time. Because of this, fossil fuels are considered practically non-renewable

Oil, natural gas and recently popularized shale gas have formed from the remains of ancient marine organisms. Some concentrations of these resources are still located in the ocean floor, while some have remained inside bedrock as a result of plate tectonics. Oil and natural gas are extracted by drilling into oil or gas pockets that are buried deep underground. Shale gas is extracted from rocks that contain organic substances with the help of pressurized water. 

Oil is the most important energy source in the world. Approximately one third (33 %) of the total energy consumed on the planet is produced with oil. Crude oil contains a number of different hydrocarbons, and it can be refined into various kinds of fuels, lubricants, plastics and bitumen. In addition to its versatility, it is also easy to transport and store. Oil is especially important fuel in traffic and transportation. In contrast, natural gas covers approximately one quarter (24 %) of Earth's total energy consumption. 

Crude oil is obtained through deepwater drilling, which is mostly concentrated in the Arctic Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico. 

Coal has formed as the thick peat layers of ancient fern forests have decomposed in anaerobic conditions. It is a solid fuel that is mined from bedrock. Coal is a lasting, cheap and easy energy source. It is used especially in heavy industry and the production of electricity.

Coal is a fossil fuel.

The use of fossil fuels accelerates global warming. Because of this, efforts have been made to reduce the use of oil, coal, and natural gas.