April 2nd

Have a nice Thursday everyone!

I hope everybody's relaxed after yesterday's theme day!
Today we're back in business and the day program is as follows: 

Maths 6
Today's topic is multiplying and dividing decimals. Again, you can check out the teaching video on how to calculate these. Because we will have the English exam tomorrow, you'll have until next Monday to do these. You will get the answers then as well. 

Maths 5
Revisioning continues! Do page 144. You will get a practise exam tomorrow!

English 5
We will have our English lesson in TEAMS!
Join me there @ 10 o'clock!

Svenska 6
Vi ska ha Svenska lektion i Teams klockan 11.

Crafts 5-6

Two options. Choose one, and send me a picture or write your answers. Use Pedanet return box below, Teams, Whatsapp or email. Do this today, please!
I think some of you enjoy more doing something with your hands, so:

Option A)
Do a sock puppet from materials that you have at your house.
Some ideas you can find here, here or here. You can also google sock puppets or try to watch youtube videos about them.
If you don't get this finished today, send me a picture what you got done. :)

Option B)
Watch episode 3 of "Verta, hikeä ja t-paitoja" from Areena. Answer to these questions:
- How were the working conditions in your opinion?
- What do you think about the colours you like to use in your clothes (after you watch this episode)?
- What downsides (=huonoja puolia) did you notice in this episode?

Crafts 2.4.

You can return your task also here.
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