Hello Wednesday! It's soon a farewell to April!

Again, we will have a shorter week, since tomorrow is May Day eve and on Friday the May Day. Let's work a bit before having a nice little break.
5th graders Teams at 9.00
6th graders Teams at 10.00

Today's business:

Äidinkieli 6:
Äidinkielen koe Lohdutus. Palauta koe palautuslaatikkoon tai vaikka Teamsiin, kunhan olet saanut sen valmiiksi.

Äidinkieli 5:
Jatketaan tänään vielä hetki tietotekstien parissa. Eli tehdään tehtäväkirjasta sivuilta 88-91 tehtävät 1,2,3 ja kotinurkka.

History 5-6:
First, let's recap what we've learned so far. Watch the first 4 minutes of this video (I'm sorry about the thug-life music in the background, I mean why?!) Then answer to these questions:
1. The year 1783 is an important year in America's history. Why?
2. Why is Philadelphia a very important city in America's history?

Env. Studies 5-6:
I want you to choose one African country from the map that is on page 179 in your reading book. Do a little presentation of the country. If possible, use either Powerpoint or Word and remember to attach some pictures to your work as well. You will have time to return your presentation until next Wednesday!

Notice, next Wednesday you will do the Karttataitokoe exam about Africa!

Maths 5:
First, remember to check the previous work from the subpage. Today we will only have practising, so no new theory. We can still meet in Teams at 9.00, so I can give you help with the translations and stuff. Let's do pages 172-173 and home corner 43.

Maths 6:
No new theory, just practising, so let's do pages 178-179.

English 6:
We will carry on with chapter 14, sorry no meeting today!