Lecture 3 Single and double loop learning

Lecture 3 Single and double loop learning

Based on the ideal models proposed by several researchers, professor Alava defines three key approaches or characteristics for the learning organization: future orientation (like a philosophy), learning takes place via people, and the necessity for real changes. Later, you will also learn one of the most important theories of change: single loop and double loop learning. The framework is especially useful in understanding deep and profound change.

Before any lecture either open or save to your computer the assigned PowerPoint presentations.

Assignment before the lecture: none

Open or save the PowerPoint slides related to this lecture ELSS820_S1_L3.pdf

Listen to the lecture, and afterwards do the assignment given below.

Write your learning experiences into your personal Reflective report

Assignment after the lecture:

  • Read the three articles mentioned below (Argyris, Kurtyka & Wexford Institute). Using the articles and materials from the lectures about first & second order change, define and briefly discuss a case in your organization or elsewhere. Think especially about the changes conducted - were they single or double loop changes? Did the changes attempted also succeed? Write your commentary on the discussion area.
    1. Chris Argyris: theories of action, double-loop learning and organizational learning. INFED (the informal education homepage).
      This material, provided by INFED, gives a brief overview of the major developer of the single-double loop framework, Chris Argyris, and on the notion itself.
    2. Kurtyka: Implementing Business Intelligence Systems: An Organizational Learning Approach.
      This article gives a good summation on learning, knowledge, and change.
    3. Wexford institute: Systemic change and school improvement
      This paper is a good review on systemic and second-order change.
      The Implementation of a Character Education Program

  • Read the following article by
Silins, Zarins, and Mulford (2002). What characteristics and processes define a school as a learning organization? Is this a useful concept to apply to schools? International Education Journal Vol 3, No 1, 2002 Found at: http://ehlt.flinders.edu.au/education/iej/articles/v3n1/silins/paper.pdf
After reading the article, make notes both in your reflective report and workbook for practical implementation. Pay attention especially to the characteristics and processes recognized in the article as existing in secondary schools that relate to the reconceptualisation of schools as learning organizations and addresses the usefulness of this approach.
  • Suggested optional readings about learning organizations:
O'Sullivan, Fergus(1997) 'Learning Organizations reengineering schools for life long learning'. School Leadership & Management, 17: 2, 217 -- 230.

Southworth, Geoff. 2000. How primary schools learn. Research Papers in Education, Oct2000, Vol. 15 Issue 3, p275-291.

Coppieters, P. 2005. Turning schools into learning organizations. European Journal of Teacher Education, Jun2005, Vol. 28 Issue 2, p129-139.