Thursday April 9th

Good morning everyone. It's Thursday already!

Very good morning everyone!

English 5th
Remember to join our English lesson @ 10.00 on Teams!

Maths 5th
Do some revising and we'll get back to business after Easter. Hopefully you'll get those handouts as well. We can go through couple of exercises together when we're on Teams! 

Maths 6th
Calculator exercises continue! Today we will be using our calculator to divide decimal numbers. Remember, like with the previous exercises, round up the answer, so you don't get anything silly like 3,6230942378626374527645234529038492083409234. =) 
So do pages 156-157 and home corner 39. 

Svenska 6

Svenska lektion i Teams klockan 11. 
Skicka läxorna innan lektionen börjar. (Läksyt ennen tunnin alkua!

Crafts 5-6

Today you don't need to report to me, but you can if you will. :) Use for example the comments box below!
Do extra house chores today so that you'll spend at least about 30-45 minutes with them. Here are some ideas:
- vacuuming
- dusting
- laundry 
- taking the trash out
- doing the dishes
- arranging closets
- cleaning up the toilet
- aks your parents!

Other option is to do easter crafts - here's one easy idea!