The sponge divers on the island of Kalymnos

The pupils of group 1, grade 6 made another research about the old proffession of the spongemen on the island of Kalymnos. They share all the relevant information with you here: 

"The small Dodecanese island of Kalymnos in the Aegean Sea is renowned as the center of the Greek sponge diving industry, which has flourished on the island since the ancient times. Sponge diving has been called the oldest profession on the island of Kalymnos. The first divers of Kalymnos gathered their sponges from the bottom of the sea using the skin diving technique.

In other words, they dived into the sea naked, carrying a 
skandalopetra (flat stone weighing about 15 kilograms) in order to sink to the sea bottom quickly. The mates of the divers in the boat above would already have ensured the presence of sponges on the sea floor with the help of a glass-bottomed cylindrical tool. The skilled divers would dive up to 30 meters down and stay there three to five minutes gathering the sponges with a special net.
The introduction of the Skafandro ( (a special type diving suit allowing spongemen to dive for a longer time)  brought important changes to the sponge diving industry in Greece generally and more specifically on Kalymnos.
Now it was the turn of large fleets consisting of numerous ships to mine for sponges on a large scale.
The ships were launched from the island of Kalymnos to scour the Aegean and the Mediterranean, often staying at sea for as long as six months and visiting places as far away as Syria, Lebanon, Egypt, Libya and Tunisia. However, the use of the standard diving suit brought  serious risk and danger to the divers who had to make several dives a day at greater depths without any decompression pauses.

Such  cruel conditions caused great damage to the health of the divers, many of them getting paralyzed and some of them even dying of decompression sickness.
Every household on the island could count at least one family member who had either died or been paralyzed during the sponge diving season.

The two World Wars of the 20th century seriously disrupted the sponge diving industry of the island which came to an almost total end after the Second World War.

The 1980s brought the end to  the Greek sponge diving industry when most of the sponges in the eastern Mediterranean and the Aegean Sea were found to be infected by pollution.
Now all that remains on Kalymnos of the once-thriving sponge industry is several workshops selling sponges to tourists as well as a nautical museum exhibiting articles relating to the once flourishing sponge diving!"

The children also learnt the "the sponge diver's dance" and present it to you in this video.
This dance shows the paralysed spongeman's strong will to survive and have a normal life again.


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