Sea theme maquettes

When living by the sea becomes an inspiration to create Art

With thousands of islands and islets scattered in the Ionian and Aegean Seas and an endless coastline,  it’s by no surprise that the  Greek children have  a special relationship with the sea. Having strong memories from their summer holidays in their grandfather's seaside village, they tried to depict these memories on their maquettes: a visit to a remote little church,an old windmill where his grandfather used to grain the wheat, a lighthouse in the middle of the rough sea,grandpa's fishing boat,  old stories and traditions retold by grandparents to grandchildren form the cultural background of these little works of art.

It is the driving force of the sea  which motivated the pupils of the 3rd, 4th and 5th grades  to work in groups and make unique maquettes and  paintings portraying the small Cycladic islands of the Aegean Sea, with the typical  windmills and lighthouses,white churches and crystal clear seas with sandy beaches.

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