The sea in music and poetry

"Tο τρελοβάπορο"

Working on the theme of the sea we couldn't leave music and poetry aside.
It is true that the sea and the sun,  as well as the hardships our country has been through all these centuries have a strong impact on literature and poetry, on the songs and music of the Greek people.

"To trelovaporo - The crazy boat" is one of our favourite poems written by the poet of the Aegean Sea and the sun, Odysseas Elytis. It is part of the collection , "The Sun , the Sovereign sun" written in 1971.
The crazy boat stands for Greece, travelling through time and history in "rough seas" wars,disasters, poverty; but which always overcomes difficulties with the help of the Sun, representing both God's help and the intellectual skills of its people, their inner power and persistence to sail to safe and calm harbours.

The 5th grade pupils, under the instruction of their Music teacher, Mrs.Anastasia Nikolakakis, learnt this song and present it to you here.

To θαλασσινό τριφύλλι

"Τhe sea shamrock"

There's a sea legend in Greece which says that the sea shamrock lives in the deep, deep  bottom of the ocean and it is very difficult to be found.  If one man ever finds it, he will be the luckiest man in the world and he will also find eternal love. Τhe mermaids are also  looking for it!

Τhere's a very beautiful song about this legend, based on one of O.Elytis' poems.
The children of the 2nd grade, groups 1 and 2,  learnt this song during their Music class and illustrated it with their own drawings. 

"Το θαλασσινό τριφύλλι"

Μια φορά στα χίλια χρόνια
του πελάγου τα τελώνια
μες στα σκοτεινά τα φύκια
μες τα πράσινα χαλίκια

Το φυτεύουνε και βγαίνει
πριν ο ήλιος ανατείλει
το μαγεύουνε και βγαίνει
το θαλασσινό τριφύλλι.

Μια φορά στα χίλια χρόνια
κελαηδούν αλλιώς τ’ αηδόνια
Δε γελάνε μήτε κλαίνε
μόνο λένε μόνο λένε

"Μια φορά στα χίλια χρόνια
γίνεται η αγάπη αιώνια
Να 'χεις τύχη να 'χεις τύχη
κι η χρονιά να σου πετύχει."

Το θαλασσινό τριφύλλι ποιος
θα βρει να μου το στείλει
Ποιος θα βρει να μου το στείλει
το θαλασσινό τριφύλλι.

The sea  shamrock

Once in a thousand years
the demons of the sea
inside the dark seaweeds
inside the green pebbles

They plant it and it grows
before the sun rises
they cast spells on it and it grows
to be a sea shamrock

Once in a thousand years
the nightingales sing differently
They don't laugh, they don't cry
they only say:

"Once in a thousand years
love becomes eternal
May you have  luck
and come across this year!"

The sea shamrock
who will find it and send it to me?
Who will find the sea shamrock
and send it to me? käyttää vain välttämättömiä evästeitä istunnon ylläpitämiseen ja anonyymiin tekniseen tilastointiin. ei koskaan käytä evästeitä markkinointiin tai kerää yksilöityjä tilastoja. Lisää tietoa evästeistä