Career guidance for social justice – summer school (August 2023)

Register for the online summers school 21st – 25th August 2023

We are happy to announce the fourth run of the Career Guidance for Social Justice online school. The school will be hosted by Norway Inland University of Applied Sciences and this year will take place as an intense one-week programme from 21stth to the 25th August 2023.

This course will examine the way in which recent theory and research in career guidance has engaged with the issue of social justice. It will explore what this means for careers professionals in practice asking how they can challenge oppression and help to emancipate individuals and communities. All attendees will have an opportunity to develop new resources that they can use in their practice. By the end of the course participants will have explored:

  • What is meant by social justice?
  • How do our careers interact with notions of wealth, power, politics and justice?
  • How can career guidance contribute to social justice?
  • Can you help people in practical ways, whilst also supporting them to struggle for a more just world?
  • What practices, models and theories can be used to support emancipatory forms of career guidance?
  • How will digitalisation and digital social media affect, contribute or challenge guidance for social justice?

The importance of social justice in career guidance has been increased by the pandemic which has had a range of hitherto unforeseen impact on our societies, education systems and labour markets.

In the course you will have the chance to meet with students from the Nordic and Baltic countries and share thoughts and experience in small group meetings with teachers who are in the forefront of the field.

Information about accomodation in Lillehammer

Lillehammer is a popular destination, and has a variety of options for accommodation, spanning from hotels, hostels and guesthouses, cabins, apartments for rent (AirBnB) and camping facilities. We recommend searching for accommodation alternatives on the Visit Lillehammer website. We also recommend choosing accommodations not too far from the Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences. Lillehammer City Center (Lillehammer sentrum) is a convenient choice, with busses departing every five to ten minutes to the university.

Format of the course

The course will take place as a face-to-face summer school between 21st and 25th of August at the campus of the Inland Norway University in Lillehammer.

We will work together in small groups to explore the ideas of social justice and to develop a practical resource for use after the course. Each group will work closely with an expert tutor to discuss their progress and develop their thinking. The whole course will be completed during this week, with students presenting their work back to their tutor group and the whole group on the final day.

The course will begin at 2pm on Monday the 21st and conclude at 12 noon on Friday 25th August. Mornings will mainly be spent in lectures and plenary discussions with the afternoons devoted to group work and meetings with your tutor. There will also be an informal social programme organised for those who want to participate in it. 

Participants who successfully complete this summer course will receive 5 ECTS points from the Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences

For registration please follow the link below. The automated message saying registration fee needs to be paid does NOT apply to students registering for Nordplus courses like this one, please disregard. 

The deadline for registration is: May 31st 2023. Please note that you have to be a student in a VALA member university to be accepted in the course.  

When enrolled as a student in the course, you will receive an information email from our international office on how to get access to the learning program etc. The course is designed for students in careers programmes, careers practitioners working with clients at any age or stage and for lecturers and trainers involved in the training and development of careers professionals. 

A practice focused book Career Guidance for Emancipation Reclaiming Justice for the Multitude edited by Tristram Hooley, Ronald Sultana, Rie Thomsen will be available to student´s in the course, free of charge.

Best regards,

Sif Einarsdóttir, VALA network coordinator

Tristram Hooley, Course and scientific coordinator

Rates for mobility grants

VALA students (Career counseling and guidance programs at higher education institution in the Nordic and Baltic countries) can apply for mobility grant and participation for the VALA Summer School/Intensive courses.

Travel grants to Norway:

From Greenland 1,300 €

From Faroe Islands and Iceland 660 €.

From Sweden, Denmark, Latvia, Lithuania Estonia and Finland 330 €

Additional 175 Euros for domestic travel in connection with exchange abroad (within Norway)

Accommodation/board rates for students:

Per day 70 Euros; 5 days total 350

You will receive notice of our decision on your application and further information on how to approach the travel grant käyttää vain välttämättömiä evästeitä istunnon ylläpitämiseen ja anonyymiin tekniseen tilastointiin. ei koskaan käytä evästeitä markkinointiin tai kerää yksilöityjä tilastoja. Lisää tietoa evästeistä