11. Teollisuus

Teollisuuden edellytykset ja sijainti - The requirements and location of manufacturing industry

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In order to establish manufacturing industry, some requirements must be met:
1. Capital / pääomaa
2. Raw materials / raaka-aineita
3. Energy
4. Workers / työvoimaa
5. Market / markkinat
6. Transportation / liikenneyhteydet

The significance of each requirement determines, where each particular field of industry can be located. In some industry, lots of workers are needed, and thus the location must be near either cheap or educated and trained workers. In some other industry, lots of space needing and heavy raw materials are needed. That field of industry must be located near the source of the raw material.

Think, what kind of industry is drawn by / mikä teollisuus on:
a) Raw materials / raaka-ainehakuista
b) Energy / energiahakuista
c) Workers / työvoimahakuista
d) Market / markkinahakuista

Where and why would You locate a manufacturing plant that produces / Mihin ja miksi sijoittaisit:
e) Copper sheets / kuparilevytehtaan
f) Bakery products / leipomon
g) Sneakers / lenkkitossutehtaan
h) Computer components / tietoteknisiä komponentteja valmistavan tehtaan

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