30.10 - 4.11.2023 Erasmus+ Stand For the Future project meeting in Orivesi

11 students from Tallinna Humanitaargümnaasium visited Orivesi 31 October - 4 November 2023. Finnish and Estonian students worked on the topics "Sustainable living" and "Recycling".

Participating students learnt together about sustainability in their region and country and neighboring European countries. The students worked in groups and had workshops on sustainability and recycling.

During the project meeting in Orivesi, the students participated in the UNESCO ASPnet Litter Less Campaign . They visited the local recycling centres and interviewed the staff members. 

Visit programme:
Stand For the Future in Orivesi

Padlet Wall: Sustainable Lifestyle

Young reporters for the environment: https://www.yre.global/about-the-campaign

Visit to recycling centres:  Interview questions 

Link to our eTwinning project: https://school-education.ec.europa.eu/en/etwinning/projects/stand-future