Young Reporters for the Environment

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2. Young Reporters for the Environment

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Ocean Literacy

Well-being Academy

1. Participants' introductions

2. Small group discussion: Understanding well-being

1. Emotional Well-being
• I generally feel happy and content. 
• I can effectively manage stress and pressure. 
• I feel confident about myself. 
• I have a strong support system (friends, family, or mentors) I can talk to when needed.
• I feel safe at school.

2. Social Well-being:
• I have positive and healthy relationships with my peers. 
• I feel included and accepted by my classmates. 
• I am involved in extracurricular activities or clubs that I enjoy. 
• I can communicate openly with my teachers or school counsellors. 
• I feel a sense of belonging in my school community. 

3. Academic Well-being: 
• I am motivated to learn and do well academically. 
• I have access to the necessary resources (books, technology, etc.) for my studies. 
• I receive the support I need to succeed academically. 
• I feel challenged in my classes, but not overwhelmed. 
• I am satisfied with my academic progress. 

4. Physical Well-being: 
• I engage in regular physical activity or exercise. 
• I eat a balanced and healthy diet. 
• I get enough sleep on most nights. 
• I am conscious of maintaining my physical health.
• I am free from any major physical health concerns.

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