6.6.2023 Litter Less Campaign Y2 Launch Event: UNESCO ASPnet x FEE

Oriveden lukio on valittu mukaan kansainväliseen Litter Less UNESCO ASPnet x FEE -kampanjaan. 

Kampanjan tämän kesän käynnistystapahtuma pidettiin 6. kesäkuuta. Tapahtumaan osallistui Oriveden lukiosta kaksi edustajaa. 

"We are very happy to invite Oriveden lukio from Finland to join the “ASPnet x FEE Young Reporters for the Environment Litter Less Campaign”, which will be running from June 2023 until June 2024.

 Building on our work through the Trash Hack Campaign, participation in the Litter Less Campaign will allow students, through the support of their teachers, to become the voice of the environment and take an educated stand on environmental issues, especially those related to litter and waste. They will also gain experience in environmental journalism by producing articles, photographs and videos to creatively raise awareness on litter and waste issues and solutions in their local communities and beyond. Best entries will be submitted to the international YRE competition and receive wide visibility. Throughout the year, we will be supporting teachers to work with their students through a range of activities and resources, including free access to e-courses on pollution, the circular economy or environmental journalism as well as online events with schools from around the world for joint learning and experience sharing."

Lue lisää kampanjasta täältä: 
Litter Less UNESCO ASPnet x FEE

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