Advanced use

Diverse opportunities

This page contains information about various functions that can help you to make most of your e-book.

Submission folders for exercises

Many of our books contain submission folders that make it possible for students to submit tasks, presentations and assignments to the book in various file formats. The teacher can also create additional submission folders themselves.

  • Submission folders are modules where only the teacher can see the students’ submissions. The submission folder module contains a comment function, which can be used to evaluate the students’ submissions.
  • Group submission folders are modules where the students’ submissions are visible to all the book’s participants. The group submission folder contains a comment function, which can be used for peer evaluations.
  • Both submission folders and group submission folders accept many kinds of file formats, such as text files and images. Students can also create submissions in the form of blog entries and links. The teacher can use the comment function to evaluate the students’ submissions.

Group notes

The group notes module is a collaborative text editor that makes it possible for students to create group presentations and essays together in real time.

Adding media

The teacher can add various kinds of media content to their e-book.

Adding images

  • Images can be uploaded to text entries by clicking “Modify” and using the “Add image” tool in the text editor.
  • Images can be also be to the book with the “Image” tool. The images are uploaded to the page as individual modules, which can be moved to the desired location on the page with the “Move” function.
  • Multiple images can be added to the book using the “Image Gallery” tool. The result is a module that can be moved to the desired location on the page with the “Move” function.

Embedding videos from online platforms

  • Videos from online platforms such as YouTube or Vimeo can be embedded into text modules by using the Embed function, accessible from the text editor by clicking “Insert” → “pedanetembed”. By copying the embed code of the video from the platform and clicking “OK”, the video will be displayed in the text module.
  • Videos from YouTube can also be embedded by copying the video link directly to the text editor.

Adding files as attachments

  • Files can also be added as attachments to modules by clicking “Modify”, opening the “Added objects” menu and clicking on “Add a new attachment”.
  • Files can also be added into text entries by selecting “Insert” → “File” from the text editor.

Adding links

  • Links to external web pages can be added to text entries by selecting “Insert” → “Link”, or with the “Insert/edit link” function.

Creating exercises and tests

The ”Form” tool makes it possible for the teacher to create automatically checked and graded exercises and tests. The responses given by students to these exercises are easily monitored by the teacher with the “Responses” and “Summary” functions. Exercises created with the form tool can also be added to the "Learning tracking" tool.

A form consists of written text and form fields. The form fields make it possible for you to create different kinds of exercises, such as written tasks and multiple-choice questionnaires.

All form fields function according to the same basic principles. They are separated from the rest of the text by double square brackets ([[ ]]). The number that follows the “s=” parameter determines the number of points given by the form field: “s=0” means that the form field gives no points, “s=1” means that it gives one point and “s=-1” means that the form field takes away one point.

Form fields can be added to the form by clicking on the text editor and selecting a form field from the buttons that open below the text editor.

  • Check box: A form field that takes the form of a checkable box with a label.
  • Radio button: A form field that takes the form of a checkable button with a label.
  • Text field: A free-form text field with a label. Changing the number that follows the “h=” parameter can be used to change the height of the text field. Text fields have no correct answers, which is why they suit open-ended or broad questions and exercises.
  • Fill in the blanks: A blank text field with one correct answer. The correct answer is written after the “v=” parameter. Multiple correct answers can be added by separating them with a “|” symbol.
  • Subtitle: A form field that can be used to create separate sections.
  • Likert: A form field that consists of items and a scale. The number that follows the “likert:” parameter determines the size of the scale. Useful for creating self-evaluation or opinion forms.
  • Multiple choice questionnaire: A form field that consists of a question and four radio buttons.
  • Mathematical formula (inline or display): Form fields that make it possible for you to add mathematical formulas into the text.

Forms can be added to the learning tracking tool by opening the “Settings” menu and ticking the boxes below “Display in learning tracking tools”. The “Form module” tool creates a module where you can add multiple forms.

N.B! If your exercise does not seem to grade correctly, make sure that all the form fields for the correct answers have the correct number of points after the “s=” parameter.


The student can use the ”My workspace” feature of their profile to create content that is connected to their studies.

A portfolio is a collection of files created to the student. The same technique can be used to create a study diary for each subject in the form of text and blog entries after classes. A student’s portfolio may include text, images, sound, videos, etc.

TIP! The teacher can create a submission folder for portfolios to their e-book. Students can then submit their portfolios to the submission folder in the form of links. This gives the teacher easy access to their students’ portfolios.

Creating a portfolio in

1) Go to your workspace (profile) and create a new page from the menu on the left. Name it based on the subject of the portfolio (e.g. “Geography portfolio”).

 Open the page you have created and add your teacher as a user or an administrator to your portfolio page.  
  • Click on the "Permissions" button.
  • Add your teacher as an administrator to your portfolio page.
  • Copy the link to your portfolio (by clicking the ”Share” button on the right side of the page and clicking “Copy” next to the page’s short URL) and paste it to the submission folder.
3) You can create subpages to your portfolio from the menu on the left.

4) Add tools and modules to your portfolio page. 
  • The “Text” tool makes it possible for you to add text, import images, add links, etc.
  • The “Image” and “Image gallery” tools are used to upload images.
  • The “Form” module can be used to create exercises. käyttää vain välttämättömiä evästeitä istunnon ylläpitämiseen ja anonyymiin tekniseen tilastointiin. ei koskaan käytä evästeitä markkinointiin tai kerää yksilöityjä tilastoja. Lisää tietoa evästeistä